Sarah Koenigsberg and her beaver film are in Canada. Here film is screening at the Banff Mountain Festival. In the meantime she is busy stocking up supplies to calm her frazzled nerves. This photo smiled at me from FB. Look, she found our much admired wine “Frisy Beaver”. I still want them to donate to the festival.
I like “beaver riot” on her shirt too. That’s clever. There may be an homage in our future!
Meanwhile the film will go next to Calgary where it will debut the night before our election {GO VOTE} in the science building of the University of Calgary campus.
The Beaver Believers, U of C Film Screening
Monday, November 5, 2018 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM (MST)Calgary, Alberta
Join director Sarah Koenigsberg for a private screening of her new film “The Beaver Believers”, a film about “passion and perserverence in an era of climate change”. Filmed in 8 western US states, Mexico, and Canada, this film focuses on the restoration and management of the North American beaver in watersheds of the American West.
This event is being sponsored by The Miistakis Institute ( and the Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society (Cows and Fish) (
So many of our friends together in one place! Hurray! I knew C&F would want to be part of a screening. I’m so glad its coming together so nicely in this “year of the beaver”.
Speaking of which, I heard from Ben Goldfarb that he liked he film and Robin pointed out that he had uploaded one of his own about some beaver relocation he was part of in Washington. Enjoy.
Now I’m off to the sierras for little late autumn. We missed the best showing but wish us a little color anyway.
Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns.”
George Eliot