Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: May 22, 2018

Don’t you just love firemen? With the exception of the Rodney King riots they have been almost always celebrated as heroes when they arrive. Certainly they were greeted with free meals and beers during the Napa fires. I had a delightful  young patient once who stuck a metal nut on her ring-finger once and fancied herself engaged. She came to session the next day with her entire hand swollen and we called the local fire department. Five kindly men came to cut her free and she comforted her 7 year old self by calling them all charmingly “my boys!” as they rescued her from the tight band.

Jon himself will recognize this moment from getting his head stuck in the banister on the stairs as a boy. Last night in Idaho they just got to do something even more fun.

Eagle firefighters rescue beaver in bind, latest of several unusual rescues in Valley

I’m not sure why it is that we all – beavers included – tell ourselves that if we can just get our heads through the gap we will be home free. Unless we happen to be hammerhead sharks it is almost never ever true. I’m glad they were on hand to help him wriggle out. Thank goodness some kind soul called them to the scene.

Speaking of watching out for beavers, our good friend Rusty Cohn of Napa has been back on the scene, this time watching a family of beavers fittingly enough behind the firefighters museum. Apparently the first thing dad does every night is check the dam. (In Lily Pond Hope Ryden loving called this beaver the “Inspector General”) Of course the nice thing about beavers is that they always show up with their usual ‘groupies’.

Inspector General: Rusty Cohn

Wonderful photos! Check out the size of that tail, because that beaver has survived a good many summers!

Meanwhile our good friend Susan noticed that there was a mention of the beaver festival in this month’s Mt View Monitor and the MVSD newsletter and was kind enough to send it to me. Let’s hope lots of other agencies follow their lead!



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