Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: May 10, 2018

Well, knock me over with a feather and color me surprised! This comes as a complete shock.

Beavers do dam good work cleaning water, research reveals

Beavers could help clean up polluted rivers and stem the loss of valuable soils from farms, new research shows.

The study, undertaken by scientists at the University of Exeter using a captive beaver trial run by the Devon Wildlife Trust, has demonstrated the significant impact the animals have had on reducing the flow of tonnes of and nutrients from nearby fields into a local river system.

The research, led by hydrologist Professor Richard Brazier, found that the work of a single family of beavers had removed high levels of , nitrogen and phosphorus from the that flowed through their 2.5 hectare enclosure.

The family of beavers, which have lived in fenced site at a secret location in West Devon since 2011, have built 13 dams, slowing the flow of water and creating a series of deep ponds along the course of what was once a small stream.

Researchers measured the amount of sediment suspended, phosphorus and nitrogen in water running into the site and then compared this to water as it ran out of the site having passed through the beavers’ ponds and dams. They also measured the amount of sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen trapped by the dams in each of the ponds.

Their results showed the dams had trapped more than 100 tonnes of sediment, 70% of which was soil, which had eroded from ‘intensively managed grassland’ fields upstream. Further investigation revealed that this sediment contained high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are nutrients known to create problems for the wildlife in rivers and streams and which also need to be removed from human water supplies to meet drinking-quality standards.
Well isn’t that delightful!  The research ran first in a Devon paper, and I’m sure everyone in the UK is on pins and needles hoping the farmers realize finally that beavers are good for them and stop trying to cut off their noses to spite their farming faces. You know, kind of like at the end of that movie where the old crabby sheriff decides that young debuty’s not so bad after all. And they shake hands and go out for a beer together.
Not to burst anyone’s bubble but we here at Beaver Central aren’t holding our breath, because we’ve had years and years to realize that opinions about beavers aren’t changed by good news. Even if God himself comes down from the mountain and says “Beavers are the second coming” folks will still fear and kill them.
It surpasseth all understanding and science.

Professor Brazier said: “It is of serious concern that we observe such high rates of from agricultural land, which are well in excess of soil formation rates. However, we are heartened to discover that beaver dams can go a long way to mitigate this soil loss and also trap pollutants which lead to the degradation of our water bodies. Were beaver dams to be commonplace in the landscape we would no doubt see these effects delivering multiple benefits across whole ecosystems, as they do elsewhere around the world.”

The research findings about beavers’ positive impact on soil erosion losses and pollution in water courses come at a time of growing concern about these issues. In 2009 a separate study estimated that the total cost of soil loss from the UK’s was £45million, much of which was due to the impacts of sediment and nutrient pollution downstream.

Ahh as if logic anything to do with it! Sure they would reduce a 45million dollar problem, but hey, they’re beavers. And as rancher Alan Newport put it so well in his 2017 article of the same name.

 “Beavers are the Cure we don’t want to take”






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