It isn’t very often that a beaver news story makes me literally laugh aloud. I mean a snicker or snort – yes – but a rolling laugh where you can’t catch your breath and your eyes start to tear – that’s RARE. Maybe the delicate souls of the world will not share my black humor here but stop and remember how many times this message has NOT been a typo.
Thanks to Printing Typo, Russian Charity’s New Leaflets Advocate Beaver Genocide
A Russian charity group is learning how costly a typo can be, after it paid 375,000 rubles ($6,000) for pamphlets that were meant to read “Do good!” but instead say “Exterminate beavers!” thanks to a printing error, according to the website.

Thanks to subtleties of the Russian language, a typographical error left the “Mercy Capital” charitable foundation with 1 million leaflets encouraging genocide against beavers.
That’s right, not only do beavers need to contend with depredtion and water shortage, housing crises, traffic and angry farmers, they also face christmas charities asking you to text a message for their genocide.
Are we really surprised about this typo? Doesn’t it make perfect sense that Dmitry at Kremlin printing would slip in a little of his own messaging while running the flyer? And think about all the times beaver genocide has been on the table without a typo. The Fur Trade, the entire sierras, Martinez, Mountain House, heck its on the table NOW in Scotland.
This is probably the best typo ever. I wish they were all typos.
I really couldn’t resist.
I thought you would enjoy the little visitor we received on our driveway yesterday. We wondered why so many quail were running past us. Here’s the reason. It’s a beautiful gray fox.