Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: March 9, 2016

Beaver with Kardashian-sized bum gets stuck in fence

The two-year-old beaver had managed to squeeze the entire front half of his little body under the fence, but misjudged just how large his bottom was, a spokesperson for the Nature Protection Society said.

But once he was halfway through, he had no way of reversing back out and lay trapped under the metal mesh until passersby found him in the morning.

The concerned strollers alerted the Nature Protection Society, who in turn got the fire department involved.

Wanting to take no risks with the little creature’s precious derrière, the firemen cut the fence open using wire cutters, eventually freeing the rodent  who scurried unscathed into a nearby pond.

Beavers are a protected species in Germany. Despite long being threatened with extinction, they are making a comeback, appearing in ever growing numbers on the outskirts of larger cities.

Farmer McGregor had dutifully fenced off his crops to keep hungry beavers out, but this one pulled a Peter Cottontail and tried to go under the fence. Unfortunately for him he wasn’t wearing any breeches to wriggle out of and he was trapped for good until some nice firemen came and cut him free! I bet with all the fears of Trump’s ascent mirroring the rise of the Nazis we never exactly  thought about Germany as the land of compassion, but in this instance, it is! Beavers are protected there. .

Any enterprising child who put his head through the bars in the banister or between the slats of a fence and couldn’t get it out knows why this beaver did it. With me it was the mysterious hole in the right arm of my high chair, which I had to sit in a while because there were more children than chairs. After the first year or so of the arrangement its considerable mystery wore off, and I wondered ‘what would happen if I put my thumb in there?’ Maybe I thought like this beaver that I would find special treats and all the others would be jealous they hadn’t ever tried it.

I just found a stuck thumb that would not pull free even after everyone had eaten dinner. Luckily with many hours and vasoline we were able to extricate said thumb without the firemen.

Of course it’s silly to say that one beaver’s rump is problematically large but all the others are trim as can be.Beavers have a certain shape and it ain’t sleek. But this fun article does give me an excuse to post this again, which has already made my morning and hopefully will brighten yours.

Beaver in Alhambra Creek Martinez
Beaver Grooming: Photo Cheryl Reynolds



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