I know what you’re thinking. Napatopia gets all the breaks. Cute kits growing up and wrestling for photographs. A beautiful photographic lodge anchored to a tree so it won’t wash away. Support from RCD, Flood control AND the county supervisors. A well-attended beaver talk at a local bookstore with ample community support. Yes Napa has it easy in lots of ways.
But here’s one thing Martinez won’t envy.

These are freshwater leeches in Tulocay creek riding on the back of a pond turtle. Leeches feel the vibration of whatever swims by and float up to catch a meal or a lift. And the hot weather has sent an explosion of them into the streams and lakes of California.
So I guess it’s okay having a little salt water once in a while. Because EWWW.
Personal update. The monster fire burned some firefighters and 86 people’s homes yesterday, but not my parents’. It is has now burned 65,215 acres and is a whopping 20% contained. Still wishing for rain.