The folk who live in Backward Town
Are inside out and upside down. Mary HobermanI was a little disoriented by this article from Brooks, Alberta – but then I tried to remember that the sun still rises in the east and gravity still works downwards. See if it has the same effect on you.
City in midst of beaver hunt
Officials are on the hunt for beaver in the Centennial City.
The pesky dam-building animals have been spotted throughout Brooks, including in Evergreen Park, Pleasant Park, 12th Street West and Prairie Meadows Close.
Beavers can be a nuisance to humans when developing and maintaining their habitat, may damage trees and excessive flooding.
City officials are quick to note however that beavers are not responsible for the stomach ailment “beaver fever” as this is actually giardiasis caused by the parasite Giardia lamblia. Giardiasis can be transmitted by drinking water that’s been contaminated by an infected person or animal.
If and when beavers are found on property, individual trees and shrubs vulnerable to beaver damage can be protected by wrapping the base with hardware cloth or galvanized metal fencing to a height of at least one metre.
Gardens, flower beds and groups of trees can also be fenced off with hardware cloth or galvanized metal fencing. Ensure the fence stands at least one metre above ground and half a metre below ground.
Wow, do you mean to tell me that just 2200 miles away there is an actual city that provides actual accurate information about beavers and tells residents they don’t cause beaver fever while advising them to wrap trees? I’m trying to wrap my head around this, but it keeps slipping out. Especially when I read that the loud beaver-killing voice comes from a social media wielding woman who apparently lives in town.
Now do you understand my confusion?
Recently resident Kathy Denis Rowland took to Facebook to voice her concern about beavers near Pleasant Park.
“There are two beavers in the creek on Pleasant Park Road. They are making a den somewhere in the creeks and have chewed on trees,” she said adding they are seen every night in Evergreen. Evergreen Park is also being destroyed by them.”
City officials note that Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials have been contacted and that city staff are in the midst of wiring area trees to prevent beavers from chewing on them.
“It is an ongoing issue we are trying to remedy,” said Surgenor.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all! Something like this comes along and thoroughly shakes your snow globe, as it were. I of course reached out to Kathy on FB, let’s see if we become besties real soon…
In the meantime we have a VERY SPECIAL BIRTHDAY to celebrate, for the hardworking man who makes so many beaver things possible. Jon bravely puts up with my schemes, checks on the beavers every day and nobly has managed to maintain his english accent after 30 years in this country. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the champion that makes this possible!