Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: August 9, 2015

I couldn’t help browsing around to see what other fantastic beaver ideas there were in the world. I came across this adorable kickstarter project that is very near its goal. Lucky for us, we still have time to help.

little beaverLittle Beaver Builds a Bed is a short, illustrated children’s book focused on the importance of making things by hand, doing things well, and working together to get the job done. This book will be beautifully hand-illustrated and will be great for kids on an age 3 – 5 reading level. Through the book I hope to connect more kids with the craft of woodworking and introduce them to the value of making things with your hands.

 In this delightful story, you’ll follow Little Beaver as he follows his curiosity about the amazing things his father builds in his woodland shop. Little Beaver will learn a lot about patience, making something from scratch, and will get to build a special project with his Dad.

Gd2de62a3afe8ab80152efcdbf634b424_originalo here to help Katie bring this project to fruition, because we need some copies for our silent auction next year. The children of Martinez have certainly learned something about creating with their hands. These fuzzy little illustrations by Kristen are adorable. They should be prints as well because I bet I know where they would sell nicely.

Meanwhile here’s some fantastic children’s artwork by Caroline Brose, a young artists featured on the Ink and Snow website. I think this needs to be a t-shirt, don’t you?

BroseTrapToon402Big smile for Caroline. Thank you!

I idly thinking how to make our awnings more beaver-y and wondering about whether we might let kids paint our art table awning next year. Since awnings are waterproof it’s a pretty sticky proposition to try and paint one. Look how this artist solved the problem. Jeanette Janson did a beautiful job setting her artwork display apart from all the others at the vintage fair. She’s an artist who got tired of her plain white display canopy used at fairs, etc. So she painted her own.

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There were 48 birds by the time she was done and it took her an entire weekend or longer. She ended up with something truly awesome that made her booth completely visible and unique. It was a lot of work. Because if you do the math it’s 40 feet total (10+10+10+10).

But it would be a lot easier with 100 children to help, right?








Beaver Alphabet Book



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