I think we just might nominate this for beaver photo of the month. I love the colors, which would be beautiful on a tee-shirt! Good work Rusty Cohn of Napa.

They are actually getting some amazing photos in Tulocay creek. This is from Robin who photographed a green heron’s breakfast at the beaver pond. I send it to the experts for identification and they have confirmed the fish is a bluegill.

And to top that off Rusty just sent this video from yesterday, wondering what the beaver is eating at .34. Look at him pull that rootball out of the ground and walk it into the water to eat. Obviously it tastes better once you rinse the mud off. Igor thinks some kind of blackberry root tangle.
But I’m not a total Napa-phile yet (although Rusty tells me there’s a house for sale right by the pond. Anyone interested?)
No, I remain firmly convinced that the most remarkable photos always come from Martinez. Just look at this one: Surviving the incredible odds of being cut, planted, pulled up, piled up, ignored, and subsequently replanted upside down. This cottonwood is making a go of it. Proving the old saying, you just can’t keep a good tree down.
Now that’s what we want to see!
As amazing as these local photos are there’s one from the news I think is worth sharing. See if you don’t agree.
Councillors’s race to raise cash dressed in beaver suit
Councillor Debbie Davies dressed as the Baildon Beaver at Wetherby Races ready for the Mascot Gold Cup in aid of Sue Ryder Homes
Hmmm that gives me an idea…