Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: April 12, 2015

We left bright and early for Coloma yesterday with lots of time to spare thank goodness because google’s infinite wisdom directed us to a private road and dead end. Luckily there was an actual map in the car to guide us although I wouldn’t swear it was printed before 1975. As it was we had to ask a ranger at Coloma state park for the last turn, and would never have seen the tiny  lane heading off to the American River Resort. We had literally minutes to spare when I set up, threw the equipment together and tried to make sure that everything was working.

The rustic event center where it was held was marked with a huge stone fireplace and scattered with round tables where the (mostly male) presidents gathered after lunch outside to hear the strange beaver-lady. Some parts of the room were a tough sell, but I did my dammedest [sic], and there were many good questions and much appreciation when I was done. My host, John Sikora of El Dorado Trout Unlimited was very grateful and presented Worth A Dam with a 15o.oo dollar check for the service. I met Cindy Noble, the president of TU from the Feather River who had recently asked to link her project to the website. And Brian Hines  the man whose presentation I had followed the SRF workshop on urban stream restoration. And Jerry Bender, the president of Santa Rosa’s TU who was eager for beaver in Santa Rosa and wanted me to think about talking to his chapter or to his Kiwanis group at 7 on the morning! (Ahem.)  And the we loaded up our equipment and made the long winding way back home.

These photos should give you an idea of the day. The tiny brown dot at the back is me talking beavers. Some of the crowd were very appreciative and into the topic but there were a few scowling men who were less appreciative.  A few untreated cases of ‘mansplaining’ posed as questions at the end, which always irks me greatly. I left with the feeling that I would love to get alone them in a room and lecture them privately about beavers for hours.  One of the surprising parts to me is how eager many of them were for Fish and Wildlife to change its rules about beaver location. They all felt it should happen imminently – which my channels tell me unlikely. The more pressure the better! And their impatience will only help.

A good day, a hard day, and useful inroads were made. I was exhausted by the time we made it home. Now we have to shift our focus to Earth Day next week!

trout unlimitedHere’s the sorry update on Choppa  Chappa. Apparently I’ve been spelling his name wrong. Although I’m not sure he can spell anyway. Looks like it’s only a matter of time.

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