Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: April 9, 2015

Beaver barrier build for Earth Day at Thermalito Forebay

OROVILLE >> Earth Day volunteers are needed to help clear invasive plants from around the Thermalito Forebay and protect trees from beavers.

 The California State Parks Foundation will hold a massive Earth Day cleanup at 27 parks throughout the state, including the Thermalito Forebay, part of the Lake Oroville State Recreation Area, on Saturday, April 18, to celebrate Earth Day, which falls on April 22, a Wednesday.

 The main objective is to remove the multiple invasive plant species and develop some new picnic areas around the water, said State Parks Maintenance Chief Shawnee Rose.

 Rose said the trees around those new picnic areas will need to be protected from beavers.

 “They’re not a problem, we just have to protect some of the trees, there’s a balanced environment out there,” she said.

That’s right, you heard it here first. The maintenance chief of the California State Parks actually said out loud that beaver were NOT A PROBLEM. You just need to wrap some trees! No biggy. And she’s looking for volunteer help to do it.  I love Shawnee with a all my heart right now, and I’m hopeful that someone how the training we did for the state parks in Yosemite in 2012 trickled down to the right person. It’s not impossible right?

On to this baffling story from Sudbury Massachusetts just outside Boston where police were called to rescue a baby beaver stuck in a chain link fence. Never mind that it’s a frigid 35 degrees there this morning and baby beavers don’t usually wander off on their own. Mike Callahan says kits are usually born in June there, so I can’t understand why this one would be out unchaperoned in April.


Leave It to the Baby Beaver, Who Got Stuck on Easter

A baby beaver got into a pickle this week in Sudbury, Massachusetts.

Well, we wonder what this little beaver told his family when he was late for Easter dinner.

 On Sunday, shortly before 5 p.m., Sudbury police responded to a call about a baby beaver that got stuck in a chain link fence on Autumn Street.

 Police assisted Boardman Animal Control (the town’s animal contractor), to help free the animal from its trappings.

Authorities do not know if the beaver went straight home.

“The beaver was freed and left the area under its own volition,” said Police Chief Scott Nix.

“The toddler was rescued from the and returned back to the highway where he could find his way.” Sheesh, I just hope you’re wrong and that’s actually a freakishly small disperser. Because I cannot for the life of me understand how a kit would get there. I checked around for wildlife rescues nearby just in case there was an untoward escapee, but there’s nothing likely. A lot of water not far from Autumn street, but no beaver zoo missing an inmate.

Maybe you have a theory or explanation you can share?

Eli sent this yesterday from a sighting in Santa Barbara. I think we all know which way the wind is blowing.

beaver vane




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