Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: January 2015

 'Beavers create habitats and opportunities for just about everything else.' Photograph: Ben Lee

‘Beavers create habitats and opportunities for just about everything else.’ Photograph: Ben Lee

Beavers are back – and we should welcome them with open arms

We’ve been showing people wild beavers for nine years now. Wild, yes, but captive. Our beavers are in a large, fenced wetland enclosure, a whole eight-acre loch and its associated marshes and deciduous woodland in Inverness-shire – perfect beaver habitat. They don’t know they’re captive, and they don’t need to, since they have everything they want: plenty of food; birch and willow trees to fell for bark – they are strictly herbivorous – and to build their lodges and dams; streams and ditches to dam; canals to dig; lagoons to create. That’s what beavers do: beavering away, they adjust their habitat to suit themselves, and just about everything else as well.

Our nine years of soggy monitoring have demonstrated precisely what the scientific literature predicts. Measured against adjacent wetland the beavers have not utilised, we find that biodiversity has expanded by a factor of four.

 That’s a 300% increase on the initial pre-beaver presence: more aquatic bugs for fish to hoover up; more fish for herons, diving ducks, grebes, otters and ospreys; more newts, frogs and toads; more insects for small birds to snatch; more small mammals, including water voles and water shrews, for owls and other predators. And so it continues up the chain: more food for pine martens, stoats, weasels, foxes, badgers; more and a wider variety of wild flowers and wetland plants. Altogether more of just about everything, in a happier, fatter, richer, healthier and more diverse ecosystem bubbling with life and energy.

Years ago, I knew the River Otter very well. I have fished it and canoed its dreamy Devon reaches. It is right for beavers. They are mammals of optimum habitat. That means they will cruise upstream and downstream until they find the place they like best. Then they will stay, dig burrows in banks and build impressive lodges of mud, sticks and logs dragged and packed into a dome, with underwater entrances to protect their young from predators (they are hard-wired to think there is a wolf, a lynx, a bear or a wolverine behind every bush). Here they will breed, producing two to three kits every year.

Great article from the Guardian by author John Lister-Kaye. Besides being well written, it’s highly informative and a good place to educate yourself about beaver benefits. This is what I’ve enjoyed most about the beaver battle in the United Kingdom. It forces the ‘good team’ to spend a great deal of time getting the word out. And we all are the richer for it.

 John Lister-Kaye is director of Aigas Field Centre ( His new book, Gods of the Morning – A Bird’s Eye View of a Highland Year, will be published by Canongate in March.

Mean while I’ve been hard at work hunting for adorable things to to see if any kind souls will donate to the silent auction, and came upon Betsey Reiche yesterday. She and her business partner of “bspired are San Francisco based artists who do cards and invitations in wood. Everything they make is cute, but this was the particular offering that caught my eye. I’m sure you can see why.

The card is made out of walnut and comes with a little kickstand for display.  She kindly offered to give us several printed with what ever slogans you nominate. So, valiant team beaver,  get to work on your beaver puns. This caption reads “Wood you be my valentine?” but beaver experts like you can do better than that I’m sure! (I personally like,  Dam it! I’m in love again!)  I want to hear YOUR ideas. Send your recommendations to me here and we’ll chose the top five to be available at the beaver festival!


Sorry it’s a few days old, I can’t believe this magic escaped my google alerts! But thanks for Pat Russel bringing it to my attention.

Eager B.E.A.V.ers

It began with a birthday dinner.

 Peggy Watters was celebrating alongside her husband, Mike, and friends from the neighborhood when Paul Spindel — the Watters’ next door neighbor — turned to her with a strange request.

 For almost five years, Spindel, Watters and other neighbors had been dealing with beavers that had taken residence in the creek behind their homes in the Bolton area. Trees had been destroyed, at times chewed more than halfway through before being cut down, and the Watters were forced to install new barriers around their property after a beaver destroyed one of their pear trees.

But this wasn’t an adversarial relationship. The beavers could be a pain, but Watters, Spindel and fellow neighbor Marla Gaarenstroom were also fascinated by their presence and the domino effect it seemed to have on the ecology of the area.

 And so it was that during this birthday dinner, about four months ago, Spindel made his request to Peggy Watters.

 “I think you need to get a group going,” he said. “I think we need to do something about this.”

 Watters agreed, and B.E.A.V. was born.

B.E.A.V., which stands for “Beaver Environmental Advocacy Volunteers,” is an eight-person group intended to help educate residents on what it means to have beavers in a neighborhood — beyond the obvious tree-chomping problems. On Sunday, B.E.A.V. will host an informational meeting at the West Linn Public Library with special guest Susan Barnes, a conservation biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Be still my heart! A husband who tells his wife to form a beaver group for her birthday! Could there honestly be a better present? To tell the truth this might be the best story I’ve ever read, and that’s saying something. I’m actually JEALOUS. Isn’t that wonderful? I’m thinking B.E.A.V. needs some complimentary Worth A Dam t-shirts stat and maybe a nice bottle of Castoro Cellars chardonnay to celebrate. Ooh how about beaver shortbread cookies in the care box too?












Well, I will try my best to track B.E.A.V. members down and offer our friendship. In the meantime, I’m excited that there’s a new group of beaver supporters on the block. It just makes you think of this doesn’t it?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the [beaver] world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

Onto even better news because Jon saw a big beaver carrying a branch onto the secondary dam this morning after which the beaver stopped by to mud it, and Jean saw TWO beavers yesterday. We were watching Wednesday night and saw only the end of our patience, but clearly they’re still in residence and just waiting for whatever beavers wait for to show themselves. And in case it’s been so long since you’ve seen a beaver mudding you need a reminder, here’s a good glimpse from Cheryl Reynolds.

beaver moving mud beniciaFinal thoughts: Just saw this on facebook and had to share. This is Ian Timothy of beaver Creek fame==-[ hard at work in his Sophomore year at Cal Arts. The caption said “best stop motion animator I know” and I’m sure we all agree!


Reintroduction of European beavers
The Daily Mail lists no credit for this photo, but doesn’t his hair look a lot like our Dad beaver? Maybe it’s an older adult grooming trick.

Campaigners hail beavers reprieve

Natural England said the trial in Devon, which could include introducing other breeding pairs of beavers if they are needed to ensure the genetic diversity of the population, would inform future decisions on releasing beavers in England.

The conservation organisation said the unauthorised release of beavers remains illegal and it does not expect to grant any other licences for releases during the five years of the trial.

 Stephanie Hilborne, chief executive of the Wildlife Trusts, said: ” It is wonderful to hear that the first breeding population of beavers in England for hundreds of years is going to be allowed to remain in the wild.

 “We know that we can’t bring back all the great animals that the country’s lost – at least not everywhere – but where it is feasible, we owe it to future generations to do so.”

 Friends of the Earth campaigner Alasdair Cameron said: ” Beavers add to Britain’s rich natural heritage and can bring huge benefits to the local environment, such as boosting wildlife and reducing flooding risks.

 “Thanks to the hard work of thousands of individuals and organisations, our number of native species just increased by one. The next stage is to get the beavers tested and then returned to the River Otter where they can now swim in peace.”

Borrowed from the facebook page of a UK beaver supporter

Congratulations! The good news about Devon is all over the internet(s). I am thrilled that the mysteriously-appearing beavers are going to be allowed to stay, and that they will receive a 5 year study period in safety. The Guardian, Telegraph and Daily Mail all boast triumphant stories this morning. I can only imagine what the sullen angler community looks like tonight, but I’m sure beaver supporters met in gatherings much like this:

Now a quick reminder from our sponsors in Georgia that if you’re going to use explosives to blow up a beaver dam, you should really tell your neighbors, first. No, seriously.

Residents concerned by beaver dam explosions

People hear loud booms in their neighborhoods and want to know what they are coming from. It happened again Wednesday.

 Investigators often say those booms are landowners blowing up beaver dams. That is the explanation residents near the Dougherty-Lee County line in the Callaway Lakes area got Wednesday

” But what they need to understand is very seldom does blowing up the dam make the beavers move. If they like the dam if they like that location and like where that dam is, chances are within a weeks time they’ll probably just build the dam back,” said Ben Kirkland

 “I’m glad to know what it is., “said Nancy Lawrence.

 Lawrence now wishes those who blow up a dam would notify residents in the area beforehand.

“you know a paper in your paperbox or on the flag of your mailbox. Just to know what it was, that would’ve been nice,” said Nancy Lawrence.

Yes it would be so much more polite to let your neighbors know before you explode a family down the street. I guess just cutting off the tails and collecting the bounty makes less noise. (Shudder)

Yestersizeday we got some new photos from the Napa beaver dam from Rusty Cohn with an exciting new species.  The little visitor very kindly posed by a mallard to show us just how small she was. This is a female bufflehead, these  ducks are actually usually only seen in bays and lakes. The ducks are great divers and spend at least half their time under the water devouring aquatic insects. Lucky for her there will be lots to chose from at the beaver pond.

Female Bufflehead in Tulocay Creek, Napa
By Rusty Cohn 1.27.15

I love days like today. There are two new wonderful beaver stories and one rotten trapper story. So since we’re rich with choices, I’m not going to cover the trapper story. You already knows what it says. Rugged brave trapper has different life and we need him because the beavers are so populaty. And trapping is such hard work because the beavers got away and he has to come back tomorrow. Blah blah blah.

Now let’s talk about the good stuff.

Looking at that report, I’d say that the media is definitely on the beaver side. And every viewer who watches that will be too. Derek Gow does a perfect job of sounding reasonable. Which is just what’s needed. When this is over he should personally send a thank you note to DEFRA for being such assholes that everyone agreed with him in protest.

Good work!

Beavers do landscaping for Alberta family


 After years of trying unsuccessfully to build a pond on their property, an Alberta family decided to call in some experts — beavers.

 Pierre Bolduc and Sara Wiesenberg moved their family to an acreage about 10 kilometres southeast of Bragg Creek because Wiesenberg wanted space to ride horses and be close to nature. Bragg Creek is about 40 kilometres southwest of Calgary.

 Bolduc wanted to build a pond on the property, in part so he and his sons could play hockey on the ice in the winter. He spent four or five years trying.

 Finally, he decided he needed help.

 He hired a trapper to move beavers onto his property. According to provincial regulations, permits are required to remove beavers from your land, but not to move them on.

I love this story, and love that someone finally hired a trapper for a good purpose. It was posted back in July but sent to me yesterday by our friend Donna Dubreuil from the Ottawa-Carton Wildlife Centre. I’m sure that the pond is frozen now, and Mr. Bolduc is skating on that ice with his sons while we speak.

A very cheering beaver story from Alberta without Glynnis Hood’s name in it. And lord knows that doesn’t happen very often!


Devon Beavers given 5 year license to stay in England and be studied. Whooohoo!

Beaver family allowed to stay on Devon river

Beavers living on the River Otter in Devon will be allowed to remain living in the wild, if free of disease.

Government agency Natural England has decided to award the Devon Wildlife Trust a five-year licence to manage the animals, on a trial basis.

The animals must first be trapped and tested to ensure they are a European species and free from tapeworm.

 This is the first time such permission has been given to re-introduce a mammal previously extinct in England.

The news from Devon is getting more and more interesting, and what once looked like a quick DEFRA victory, is turning into a marathon battle over public interest. I’m just excited its still being discussed.

Beaver debate needs to focus on the long term

For creatures no one ever sees or hears, they are creating a clamorous stampede. The fact that there are beavers on River Otter is in no doubt – you can see evidence of their engineering works in several areas – but it is the human debate which is mounting over their future that is beginning to echo so loudly down this peaceful Devon valley.

Should the wild beavers in the area be allowed to remain for a test period of five years, or should they be rounded up and carted off to some wildlife park? That is the question which Natural England and DEFRA will be deciding on next week and, as the clock ticks towards beaver heaven or hell, so the increasing voices of opinion can be heard resounding across the media and the internet.

Ahh the citizens of Devon made such a clamor! I remember those days in Martinez. And hopefully our noisy dilemma made some observable difference to what is happening. Certainly it showed that public opinion can push the debate. When the people lead the leaders will follow. But not right away. First they have to exhaust all the possible options for refuting/marginalizing/ignoring them.

We saw that in Martinez too.

The UK’s leading beaver expert, Devon-based Derek Gow, told the WMN that the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Elizabeth Truss, had directed Natural England to made a decision on the “basis of science and evidence alone”.

 “If they do so on this basis then the mists of myth and misunderstanding which have swirled around this issue for so long will simply vanish leaving only one clear answer,” said Mr Gow. “Although their decision may seem insignificant involving, as it does a tiny, very fragile, population of beavers, it is in reality momentous.

 “It will give us the opportunity to set an example of tangible tolerance we have never attempted before, by re-establishing in its rightful environment this creature we once slaughtered recklessly.”

 Mr Gow said he had “no doubt” that beavers could exist in British landscapes but only if their presence was “competently handled”.

 “Beavers can be trying. Their engineering abilities can conflict with our interests but the truth is that they create environments which abound in wildlife, retain water, prevent flooding and assist in the restoration of cleaner river systems.

Derek has been a beacon of beaver strength in the area since before this began. We have followed his advocacy for beaver benefits for years now, and I’ve very excited he’s presenting on the matter at the State of the Beaver Conference next month.  Since I’ll have a front row seat for that particular discussion, you will too.

 4:15 pm −5:00 pm Return of the Beaver to Britain

Derek Gow, Consultancy Ltd. Devon, Britain

The article ends with an emphasis on needing to have tools for ‘management’ of beaver presence in England. Of course management is a euphemism for ‘lethal trapping’.

Dr. Bridgewater went on: “What we should be focussing on – where the debate is – is that 20 or 30 years down the line their numbers may well have expanded. They will move up the catchment, and between catchments. Everyone needs to be aware that is the case. It is not a car-crash – you can manage them, there are good management techniques – but it is a matter of everyone knowing what they are getting into.

 “If I have a concern it is about communication – people might think having the beavers is fantastic and support it – but they might not necessarily support the management.

 Very ominous Dr. Bridgewater. And kind of silly. Do you honestly think that a country that tolerates the regular culling the most beloved animal in the entire United Kingdom isn’t going to be ready to take out a few lumpy beavers? How much work does the advance team really need to do on the issue?






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