Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: June 10, 2014

Last night I got a visit from Beaver Santa Claus Moses Silva who gave me this footage he shot on June 7th at 3:00 am. Tell me that is not the cutest thing you have ever seen? Look at the size of that head! Babies really have crazy proportions. Now just because we’re only seeing one doesn’t mean there IS only one. Last year it took us a month to spot all three. Consider it a very good start!

Mom is obviously doting on the youngster and I can see why. Healthy and cute as a bug. And look at that dive! He’s already the top of his class. Swimming off into the sunrise together I know he’s going to have a great beaver life. No conjunctivitis,no trapping and a festival!

I love this time of year! We’ll be out tonight to watch for Junior and meet visitors from Georgia who wanted to combine their stay in SF with a Martinez Beaver Sighting. Remember this from February?

heidi and nancy

I was contacted by the Executive Director of the Blue Heron Nature Preserve in Atlanta Georgia yesterday who happened to have beavers on their wetlands and wanted help presenting good reasons to keep and protect them! We agreed that Georgia was a hard place to be a beaver. Nancy Jones is the founder of the preserve and interested in applying for grant monies to keep beavers on the land. I gave her all the resources I could and put her in touch with beaver friend BK from Georgia so they could work together.

Hopefully it will be a full house tonight and maybe a little kit debut?


learning curveAnd lest you forget that mass doses of BEAVER STUPID still exist in the world, here’s  a stunning reminder from (I’m starting to think where else?) Hopkinton Massachsetts. Just for the record this website has written about the city an alarming 8 times this year already! I’ve even chatted with the council. Apparently the villain of the piece hasn’t changed his spots.

Hopkinton builder must come up with plan to solve beaver woes

HOPKINTON – The developers of the Legacy Farms housing development must come up with a beaver management plan after a dam was dismantled without Town Hall’s OK, according to Donald MacAdam, the town’s conservation administrator.

 MacAdam said the developers had permission from the proper boards to trap beavers earlier this year, but not to dismantle any of the dams.

If you were me (and for your sake I hope you’re not) you would read that sentence and think WTF? Permission to kill beavers but not take out dams? That’s like the pope giving permission to kill saints but not interfere with miracles! It’s like giving permission to kill superbowl players but not interfere with advertising!

It get better.

MacDowell said beaver dams all over the state alter waterways which destroy forests and threaten homes and roads. He said a plan is needed because it is a continuing problem.

Here’s a plan. Pick up your cellphone Mr. MacDowell and dial (405) 527-6472 for Beaver Solutions. Mike will fix this problem and increase your beaver IQ by several points.

Then maybe I can write about something else for a change.



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