Last night the beavers drew quite a crowd. Some were regulars, and some were part of Jack Laws sketchbook troop that weren’t able to make it wednesday. The beavers, as usual, did not disappoint. Cheryl was able to snap this excellent photo of mom and one of her three offspring while he or she decorated the earth with a lovely beaver whining sound!
Heard yesterday from National Wildlife Federation. They just heard of our event and want to feature it on their blog and would it be okay if they come and bring free copies of Ranger Rick for the kids?
Yesterday had more good news. I heard from Safari West that they were interested in bringing their Jr. Keepers down for the festival and wanted to know if they could help out, stay for dinner and see the beavers! Jr. Keepers 12-16 and make a fairly long-term commitment while they get training caring for the animals, docenting and public speaking, Which makes them expertly qualified to help with a beaver festival.