Our ‘boots on the ground’ spies liasions attended Tom Purdy’s lecture on Urban Beavers in London Canada last night. It had more than 370 attendees and folks were turned away! Feedback from one lucky attendee follows:
I thoroughly enjoyed last nights talk at the library. Tom seems to know his stuff and I felt his view of beavers and urban beaver issues were spot on. He even mentioned the Stanton beaver story, but he was careful not to get into the politics of it. Good stuff. 80% of his presentation was about the life of a beaver, things we all know. At the end he mentioned solutions, again, all the ones we agree on and promote. He would be a great guy on our side if we ever needed that extra help to convince the naysayers!
Margaret Gelinas Dog Rescue Volunteer
Great Canadian Ecofest? Ecofest with a beaver on the logo? Be still my heart! Can we possibly chat about how beavers will be ‘featured’ in this fest? Wowowow! New friends for beavers! Here’s some more good news. Jon saw our newest family member (last summers kit) going into the old lodge this morning in the wee hours. He’s not a yearling yet, but he definitely isn’t a baby anymore….beaver-tween? And if you miss seeing beavers yourself, you will enjoy photographer Ann Cameron Siegal’s amazing beaver slideshow here.
(And doesn’t this photo look like ‘Dad’?)