Looks like we finally got Cheryl to stop chasing down wanna-beavers in Benicia, Fairfield & American Canyon and take pictures of the genuine royal family in Martinez! Here are some nice shots from her visit last night. As you can see he is making excellent progress on his ‘devout’ impression. Jean was there too so I’m sure what he was praying was ‘God, I hope she brought fennel!’

Great news from Washington where Adopt A Stream in Snohomish County will be showing the IMAX beaver movie and teaching folks about beavers. Way back at the beginning of the Martinez beaver saga (during the punic wars) the Snohomish beaver website was about the only place one could turn for beaver answers. I wound up making a good friend of the watershed steward responsible for it, who is now comfortably retired. The evening starts off with Sammy the Salmon introducing his good friends which could not be better.
The beaver program kicks off with a presentation by “Sammy the Salmon,” a six-foot-long talking salmon character. Sammy will introduce the program by describing how beaver dams are good for salmon and trout. Sammy will show a short underwater viewing of the life cycle of salmon produced by Japan’s Hokkaido Television and Broadcasting, according to press material.
Sammy so needs to come to the beaver festival! Of course the only problem with this story is the headline
IMAX film peers inside beaver dam
Sigh. Washington may be smarter than every other state when it comes to beavers and beaver management. But one or two headline writers are still pretty dam stupid.