Footage captures first three baby beavers of season emerging from lodge

Incredible footage has captured the first moments three baby beavers emerged from their lodge. The three youngsters, known as kits were spotted in Argyll’s Knapdale Forest. It is thought the kits were born around May or June time and are part of the same family living on Dubh Loch.
The three youngsters are the largest number to be born in any year since the Scottish Beaver Trial started back in 2009.
Ahhh new beavers in knapdale Scotland! (The ‘officially sanctioned beavers’). There is adorable footage which I can’t embed but click on the photo for some upclose wonder. Castor fiber always looks a little punched in the nose to me compared to our castor canadensis, but there is no denying those fellas are familiar!
The Scottish Beaver Trial is a five year project to see the impact of beavers in the wild in Scotland. It is a partnership between the Scottish Wildlife Trust, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and host partners, Forestry Commission Scotland.
Three kits and the third year they reproduced. Are you noticing what this means? It means that when our beaver mom had 4 kits in 2007 it was probably at least her fourth brood. So she was already 6 or seven by the time she moved to Martinez. So she was at least 10 when she died – which is probably pretty normal for a wild beaver. This comforts me.