Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: May 15, 2012

First, the fish must be caught.
That is easy: a baby, I think, could have caught it.
“Next, the fish must be bought.”
That is easy: a penny, I think, would have bought it.
Lewis Carroll: The White Queen’s Riddle

I woke up this morning to two breathless emails today proclaiming the successful formation and recognition of the New 4-season Wildlife League at last night’s home owners meeting in El Dorado Hills. I’m not exactly sure why being in a club requires board approval (obviously if Worth A Dam needed permission from the city to exist we’d all have a lot more free time.) But it did, and they worked hard to get it and after some whining about mosquitoes and mean media attention, permission for the club passed by 3-2. If I get their permission I’ll post the emails which are an exciting read.

Now that there an official  club, they’re off to the races to try and get rid of those nasty trappers. As we said all along ‘cubby’ was never a bachelor, and they have seen as many as three beavers at a time since his death. One beaver friend wrote that she’s heard noises, so I’m sure that kits are on the horizon. Hopefully they’ll join us for the festival and you all can meet them and extend your congratulations on their new league recognition!

And while we’re on the subject of bureaucracy and all its splendor, it’s that time again where the nice people at the Parks, Recreation,  Marina and Cultural Commission consider permission for the Beaver Festival this summer. The first  year it was a rocky night. Then it was a begrudging pagaent with an inevitable conclusion. Last year it was a friendly breeze of recognition and respect. Who knows what will find this year? The good news is that our application was approved. If you want to come lend your support we’re at the front of the agenda at city hall 7pm tonight.

On a related note the Journal of Fish and Game had a very positive response to our initial paper about the historic prevalence of beaver in California, asked us to divide into two and submit by today for possible publication in the next issue. Rick made sure they were mailed with final tweaks last night, so now there’s just waiting to see what happens.

A final word about the website, which has been sluggish and protesty lately. I got rid of some favorite old plugins this am that seemed to be slowing things down. Fingers crossed everything will run better now. I hated to let go of our  2008 and Earthday slideshow, as it really seemed like the beginning of everything, but I’ll mark its memorial with one of my favorites.

Cheryl sent this lovely photo of the beavers in Benicia last night, and I knew you’d want to see it. Here’s hoping that’s GQ or one of his relatives all grown up and on his own!

Beaver moving Mud: Photo-Cheryl Reynolds



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Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

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