Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: April 18, 2012

St. Matthews gains attention over beavers in Draut Park

UPDATE: The courier Journal has very politely invited me to pay them for the privilege of quoting their article, which seems odd considering they were allowed to quote me for free. However, since I am burdened with a massive super-ego I will comply by removing the quotes and summarizing the content in red. Those of you that are highly motivated to read their sylvan prose may click on the link yourself.

The article describes young Ian Timothy and his concern about beavers at Arthur K Draut Park where the lodge was recently bulldozed. It introduces readers to Ian the naturalist and explains his award winning films. Then says he emailed a ” beaver protection activist” in California about the situation.

Nice invitation to the story and into Ian’s award-winning films! Hmm, what kind of intro does Worth A Dam get?  Beaver protection activist? (People for the Ethical Treatment of Beavers?) I guess I’ve been called worse.  I really see myself as more of a educator actually…or missionary….maybe a free-range guerrilla missionary educator with a blog?

The article describes how I, said beaver protection activist, sent Ian’s letter to all our beaver friends and the city desk was flooded with emails from as far away as New Zealand. In an interview with the reporter I explained that beaver was well known by us. (Gosh, do you think I have to pay to quote them quoting me?)

I guess the “BAT SIGNAL” really worked this time. The emails from around the world caused a bit of a stir apparently. Not sure why a mortified councilman would forward his stack of accusations to the press, but I certainly wish it happened all the time. I guess he was saying that he had never killed beavers and all those crazy people from PET-B were being mean to him.

To which I can only say: BOO!

The councilman is quoted as being shocked that beavers chew trees and Ian is quoted describing the function of coppice cutting. Guess which one sounds more informed?

Go Ian Go! What excellent phrasing and communication! Teaching folks to see the ‘forest’ for the ‘trees’ is a huge step in beaver advocacy!  The fact that this photo ran in the article means that your message definitely sank in.

Ian says he wants to help the council understand about flow devices, and the council says we have to examine costs.

Absolutely councilman Tonini. Consider the cost of beaver control measures. Add up manpower hours and fuel costs for ripping out the dams a few times a year, planting  a few trees, and while you’re at it figure in your own time you spent talking to the media about this and answering emails. Then compare it to the cost of installing a flow device for which we here at “PET-B” have already offered to match your costs with a scholarship. Sit down and do the math  and let me know what you come up with.

Ian was interviewed on Agents of Change last week and has been involved in several film festivals.

Just in case we have some new visitors from the article, go here to listen to the amazing interview. Ian did an excellent job, and we are enormously proud of his first foray into the beaver trenches! Thank you Martha for writing such a compassionate, thorough piece, and thank you Karen and Joel for producing such a creative and  heroic citizen of the natural world.

And as for our hero, we can only say, Ian, you are truly Worth A Dam!



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