Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: March 12, 2012

Sunday I received a beaver SOS from our favorite stop-motion movie maker in Kentucky. The beaver habitat he had been enjoying in the nearby city of St. Matthews – which he watched for inspiration to his series – had been completely destroyed, the lodge bulldozed, and the dams ripped out. Ian was horrified and dismayed to think that the happy family he had been enjoying had been ruthlessly killed.

On the left is the beaver lodge just a few weeks ago. On the right is the lodge after it was bulldozed. It was completely flattened and there is nothing left of it. — at Arthur K. Draut park.

Mind you the city of St. Matthews discussed the beavers at the city council meeting before, pledging in 2010 to relocate them and the mayor Bernie Bowling Jr. personally promised that ‘no harm would come to them’.

The beavers are back at Arthur K. Draut Park. Mayor Bowling will have someone come and remove them. Several people have inquired about being allowed to safely capture the beavers, so that they can be released in another remote location. The mayor and city council are concerned about the extensive damage that is and can continue to be done by these animals. However, it is the city’s intent to not harm the beavers in any way.

But I guess with growing inflation, a promise doesn’t mean what it use to mean anymore.  I thought you might want to read what folks wrote the mayor and city council and maybe add your own voice to the outrage. Ian is a good friend to the beavers, and a good friend of ours. Your well-written letter will support him and educate the city to help make sure this never happens again.

Dear Sir, it was a sad day to open an email and find that a decision was made to remove your resident beavers in such a heinous fashion, might I add that these very beavers and your city are known worldwide through the works of young Ian Timothy. Is this the example of humanity we want to send our children and neighbors. Perhaps you should look at the influences of John James Audubon and what that has meant to the great State of Kentucky, what might have been his thoughts concerning this. We live on the west coast of the U.S. and already we have heard about this, it will be worldwide before the day is done.

There is some question to as whether the beavers were harmed and you are quoted “That no harm will come to these beavers”, are you prepared to share with the world how that was accomplished?  We hope that future such actions would be more carefully planned so that you and your city will be held in high regards.

Leonard and Lois
Beaver Advocacy Committee
Tiller, OR

Dear Honorable Bowling,

It is truly unfortunate that you directed the removal of the beaver dam and the eradication of the beavers at Arthur K. Draut Park. Not only have you killed beavers and ruined your credibility as a progressive ‘green’ community leader, but you have also associated City Councilman Arthur Draut’s name with their slaughter, especially with the killing of a pregnant female beaver. The park’s name and reputation, yours, and Councilman Draut’s are damaged.

Did you believe others would forget your promise that, “no harm will come to them”? This choice is even more difficult to comprehend considering your description of this lovely park on the City of St. Matthews’ own government website:

Arthur K. Draut Park –  Other amenities in Community Park include:    A walking path with creek crossing bridges, stone benches, limited wooded areas, along with dedicated wetlands complete with cattails, water grasses and assorted wild life. The flow of historic Beargrass Creek meandering through this park makes this site pleasing to athletes and naturalists.

I doubt naturalists will be pleased now knowing beavers were killed. Dedicated wetlands with their assorted wildlife rarely thrive without the one creature that ensures the health of their ecosystem – a beaver.

There are proven solutions to concerns of flooding created by beaver dams. Successful installation of flow devices control pond height and resolve flooding for years. When beavers are present at a dam, their territorial behavior will discourage other beavers from remaining. Trees can be protected by wire-wrapping or painting with sand. The abrasive texture discourages beavers and is an inexpensive and visually undisruptive solution.

I am sickened further that Ian Timothy – an award winning filmmaker who was inspired by the beavers at Arthur K. Draut Park – must now realize just how cruel and dishonorable leaders in the City of St. Matthews can be. As an author of eco-literary novels for young readers, I am at a loss as to how this murderous act can be explained to my young readers, especially when there are so many enlightened and caring choices that you could have made to protect the beavers and salvage their valuable contribution to the park.

I visited Kentucky many times, and remember the parks there as beautiful and picturesque, and the people as gracious, intelligent, and caring. If your actions represent Kentucky, then my opinion can only be changed for the worse. I hope this is not the case.

Mayor Bowling, you owe your community an apology and Ian Timothy an apology. You also owe an apology to all those families with children who visited Arthur K. Draught Park and loved the beavers, their dam, and their habitat. However, you owe an explanation to conservationists who truly are shocked by your decision and the ensuing actions.  But more than an apology and an explanation – if you are to remain in a position of leadership – you must pledge to follow the excellent suggestions made to you by eco-systems experts such as Dr. Perryman and other conservationists who understand the critical importance of beavers in our communities, even if you do not. And after you make this public pledge, these recommendations must be put into practice.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and seeing the reputation of the City of St. Matthews repaired.

Best regards, Jo Marshall
Jo Marshall,  Twig Stories
Snohomish, Washington

I want to express my displeasure on hearing that the city of St. Matthews felt the need to destroy the beavers and their habitat at Arthur K. Draut Park. There are many other options available now for controlling any flooding and other worries when beavers move into an area, and it would have been to your advantage to look into these solutions. Another family of beavers will move in again and you then will be faced with this situation again.

Recently I had the opportunity to meet Ian Timothy, who is from your area. Ian is a very talented claymationist and the creator of the Beaver Creek series. He was on his way to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City, CA where his series was featured. Ian shared with us the pictures that he has taken of the beavers and the habitat they have created in Arthur K. Druat Park. Today I received the new pictures that he took of the destruction that your city has now created.

In our small town we have learned to live with our beaver family that moved into our downtown creek in 2006. We have controlled the water flow and have painted many trees to discourage any beaver damage to them. Our creek now is home to many different birds, fish, otters and even mink. The beavers also have become a tourist attraction as they are so visible, and they are famous through out the world.

I do hope in the future if another family of beavers come to make their home in your park, the city will be ready with the many solutions to keep their beavers and enjoy the beautiful habitat they will create.

Lory Bruno

I was sorry to learn that St. Matthews decided to destroy the beavers and habitat at the park after specifically promising in your December 14th 2010 meeting not to harm them. “However, it is the city’s intent to not harm the beavers in any way.” As it is March the mother in this colony would have been pregnant, which mean you killed unborn kits as well.

Besides upsetting prominent and not-so-prominent members of your community, you might worry about the misuse of tax payer dollars when you are forced to repeat a failed solution year after year. Removing beavers (whether by relocating or trapping) is a short term solution that will need to be repeated and paid for again when new beavers move into adequate habitat. The successful installation of a flow device will control pond height and resolve flooding for many years. Allowing the beavers to remain will let them use their territorial behaviors to keep others away.Trees can be protected by wirewrapping (not chicken!) or painting with sand. The abrasive texture discourages beavers and is an inexpensive, visually undisruptive solution.

I’m sure that any city that values green solutions is aware that beaver chewing of trees also produces a natural coppice cutting – an old forestry term that refers to hard cutting a tree so that it grows back denser and more bushy. This ultimately provides ideal nesting habitat for migratory and songbirds. You must also be aware of the significant habitat beavers provide for young fish and the recent fines in Alabama where a beaver dam removal destroyed habitat for the endangered watercress darter.

You may not know that these beavers were specifically watched and enjoyed by your local residents, one of which (prominent young filmmaker Ian Timothy) relied on them for inspiration in his award winning stop-motion beaver creek series, honored this year at the Wild & Scenic film festival in Nevada, the Environmental Film Film Festival in Colorado, and at your own festival in Kentucky! In addition to apologizing to Ian for this cruel and senseless act, the city should work with him to develop a humane beaver management policy for the future. In our low-lying city beaver activity required a flow device which has controlled flooding for 5 years, and the dams have exciting new fish and wildlife. We now regularly see heron, steelhead, otter and even mink in our tiny urban creek!

There are lots of reasons to do beaver management correctly, and many proven tools at your disposal. I hope that in the future the city of St. Matthews can “see the forest for the trees”.

Heidi Perryman, Ph.D
President & Founder
Worth A Dam

The right honorable mayor has a lot of reading to do. I know he also got letters from Utah, Massachusetts and Florida, but I’m sure he still has time to read yours, and maybe Twig’s….Ian?




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