Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: January 26, 2012

Busy beavers: Naturalist Ed Dahl looks at a tree brought down by beavers living along the Shuswap Lake foreshore. James Murray/Observer

SABNES sides with foreshore beavers

Salmon Arm’s Nature Bay Society expressed this sentiment in a Jan. 10 letter to city council, asking that beavers residing along the foreshore trail not be removed.

SABNES notes that the beavers are inhabiting the pond near the first boardwalk off the nature trail, heading east.

“We are also aware that the beavers are ‘pruning’ some trees near the pond and some people have expressed their opinion that something needs to be done to protect the trees,” states the letter.

Salmon Arm is north of Seattle in British Columbia, which is not exactly famed for treating beavers kindly. I spent yesterday trying to track down the Salmon Arm Bay Nature Enhancement Society to give them information about protecting trees and the benefits of beavers, but it turns out they are fairly hard to track down, and all the email addresses I was able to sleuth out were invalid. I wrote the city engineer instead, and in the meantime, we can just appreciate this article for all its beavery goodness.

[Naturalist Ed] Dahl sees potential for a great learning experience, particularly for children.  “It is a nature sanctuary and certainly I don’t think it would be a good idea to remove them from where they are now. In the summer time, hopefully the children of the district will be able to walk down that walkway and have at look at them. I think it will be a good thing – I hope so anyway.”

Nice! I was particularly struck by the final paragraph which is an almost verbatim transcript of Martinez early response to beavers.

In response to the letter, council asked that staff provide them with information on any issues related to the beavers before taking action. Coun. Alan Harrison said he otherwise prefers to leave the animals alone and let nature take its course.

That does it. I’m mailing the entire beaver subcommittee report right now. How many pages is it? A million?

More good beaver news from Hope Valley in the Sierras. This unexpected delight from the American Rivers Website comes on the heels of our finishing up our historic prevalence paper and getting ready to send it out. Author Daniel Nylen is the Sierra Rivers Program Assistant, and even though he may not know it yet, he’s destined to be our good friend!

Can Beavers Help us Rehabilitate our Rangelands?

Here in the Sierra, meadows are our natural reservoirs – they store snow that melts in spring and become havens for fish and wildlife during the parched summer months as they slowly return cool, clean water back to the river. We want to bring this balance back to one of the most cherished and spectacular meadows in the Sierra.

Well, some critters don’t seem to want to wait around for our help. Whether they consciously plan to help the areas where they live, or they charge forward on genetically programmed cruise control, beavers and their impressive engineering feats do more than any other species (besides humans) to alter and shape their surrounding landscape – and often in a beneficial manner.

Beaver dams maintain and create wetlands, provide high quality habitat for fish, amphibians, and other wildlife, improve downstream water quality, and slow and spread snowmelt runoff, thereby reducing local flooding, recharging groundwater, and extending water levels in streams in late summer.

The reintroduction of beavers is even viewed by some as a potential climate change adaptation strategy because of the positive effects they have on streams, meadows and water levels. Their actions often mimic what one would hope to do to rehabilitate an impacted meadow like Hope Valley – raise the stream channel up closer to the meadow surface so that it can more naturally and frequently spill onto its floodplain during the spring snowmelt.

Oh, isn’t that lovely? I think I know right where this is, too. He goes on to say that there’s going to be controversy about reintroducing beavers because some folks don’t think they belong in the Sierras, and he mentions the south america fiasco as if those beavers were planted by mistake for anything other than fur harvest, BUT it’s a great article and if we can just get folks talking everything will be better soon!

One final note from the “leave it to beaver” festival they’re holding in Utah next year. I asked Mary what the “Beaver Story Corps” referred to at the bottom of the poster and she said that she’s going to have a soundbooth rigged to record statements from people about the first time they saw a beaver! How cool is that!

Uh-oh I think I’m having ‘festival envy’.

Late Breaking Beaver Stupid

Check out this photo of a ‘beaver’ from kxan in Maryland. I called the news station and suggested they might want to at least get the right continent. Sheesh.

kxan – Indepth. Investigative. Incorrect.



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