Interview with Skip Lisle, inventor of the “Beaver Deceiver”. If he looks familar he should since he was the hero that saved the Martinez Beavers about 4 years ago! (Certain ladies may not recognize him with his shirt “on”.) I apologize in advance for the static on the line, but assure you he’s worth listening to
Day: January 7, 2012
Yesterday’s Courant paper out of Connecticut sports this headline
Wethersfield Evicting Beavers From Beaver Brook
The town is evicting some beavers from Beaver Brook. In the last few weeks, a state-authorized “nuisance beaver” trapper has captured three adult beavers in the brook’s swamplands off Spring Street, Town Engineer Michael Turner said.
There may be more of the creatures to be trapped and removed, he said.It’s not clear how many beavers have been living in the section of the brook across from the town skating pond on Spring Street.
Let this be a warning to you in CT that when you receive your eviction or foreclosure notice, the nutmeg state may already have your ‘final destination’ in mind! Certainly that was the case for these ‘nuisance’ beavers which is what a city without problem-solving skills calls a problem.
Obviously Wethersfield, which is only an hour away from Beaver Solutions in MA and two hours away from Skip Lisle in VT, couldn’t possibly solve the beaver puzzle in any other way except by trapping. It’s not as if Connecticut has its own former trapper who is now a highly respected installer of flow devices himself (Skip Hilliker) or has citizens who care about the beavers and would take action on their behalf.
At a town council meeting Jan. 3, resident Barbara Ruhe spoke about the beavers, telling residents the creatures were “quite something to see.” She urged people to go see them and take children before the beavers are evicted or meet an untimely end because “we can’t live with them.”
You most certainly CAN live with them, Wethersfield. And you should. You are surrounded by solutions and we’d be happy to find you more. Aside from the needless repeat pouring of taxpayer dollars on a trapping fix that will need to be repeated again and again, there are very good reasons to live with beavers, including a raised water table, more fish, more birds and more wildlife – not to mention what will happen if you have a few volunteers lead fieldtrips down to the beaver dam.
I went looking through your town minutes for the painstakingly decision you made to solve a problem with action rather than with thought, but there wasn’t even a mention of it in this month’s meetings or the last. Apparently the proposal to kill some beavers might make public comment, but it doesn’t even require a motion to actuate.
I hope someone from Wethersfield watches this video. It might change things a bit
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