Beautiful Buttermilk Sky this morning at the beaver dam. The season is definitely changing. It doesn’t get light until after 6 and the beavers have adapted their morning routines. This morning I was on the footbridge while it was still prison-dim. I saw a hunched, shadowy figure going back and forth across the lower creek. Something with four legs who stood a foot or two out of the water. Too awkward to be a dog, too tall to be a raccoon, too impossible to be anything else.
Honestly, for the longest time I could only see this.
Marta jogged by and enjoyed the mystery too, creeping around the bank to investigate. In the end we decided the tide was so low that it was a raccoon walking down the creek and reaching for tasty morsels on his way. No bears this morning. Another day perhaps.
It’s not so strange. Did you hear about what they just confirmed sighting of in LA? Paso Robles to be exact?

Capybara! Now that puts the Owens Valley Beavers into perspective! There’s something inexplicably fun about this story if you want to go read it. Considering how much mistaken identity there is between beavers, muskrats, nutria & woodchucks, it must have taken a GENIUS at Fish and Game to figure this one out. Whoever called it, they deserve a raise.