Caddo, an orphaned beaver rescued by Amanda Clingan, creates artwork with his paws and tail. Sales of Caddo’s work have benefited a local therapeutic riding program. / Special to The Ti
Day: August 10, 2011
Little caddo was kitnapped – I mean – rescued in the flooded bayou at one month by moderately compassionate Amanda Clingan who agreed to feed and shelter him until he was old enough to move to the zoo. During their days together she experimented by putting a little paint on his feet and tail and voila! Unique beaver artwork!
Amanda sells the artwork and donates the funds to GREAT (Great Results Equine Assissted Therapy) where horses are used to teach impaired children about managing in the world. The money goes to scholarships for the program to help families in need. A recent piece went for 5500.00 dollars!
Now I have nothing but good things to say about Equine Assisted Therapy, but what about beaver assisted therapy? This poor orphan (if he was an orphan) gets exploited for a year and then wins a trip the zoo! We all know that learning about wildlife can open children (and adults) to a whole new way of seeing and thinking. Look at Saturday’s tail contest if you want to find out whether children can be changed by beavers. All the new program needs is a catchy name.
How about B.E.A.V.E.R.?
Better Environmental Awareness Via Eager Rodents.