But this mornings Gazette reminds me they flooded it in a GOOD way – as in “flooded” with thousands of visitors over the weekend. Nice coverage in both the morning’s Gazette (link will come when they post it) and Martinez Patch, who also shot this charming video of the day.
(You have to excuse me for looking exhausted but I had already done about 1oo of these…)

It was great to have so much interest in wildlife and such remarkable turn-out. Cheryl shot 2000 photos and is still wading through them. Lory’s husband sent a few today that I thought I’d share. The bread to my right in the above photo was a gift from Bob Rust (the kayaker who cleans the creek) who also came up with this idea and somehow made it come true…
He made some amazing ceramic paperweight beavers too that were delightfully displayed at the Friends of Alhambra Creek booth. He’s been a true beaver friend since the beginning, and as near as anyone ‘discovered’ the beavers in late 2006. Apparently he has no monopoly on creativity though because check out the table at the Sierra Wildlife Coalition
Now that is truly inspiring. They drove down from Tahoe for the event and Lory put them up for the weekend. Beaver friendships are for life I believe. One of our attendees was a colleague and friend who brought her grandchildren and bid valiantly at the silent auction. On the day a message was forwarded to me of her having her children say what they learned. The usual beavers eat leaves and live in the lodge was repeated, and then the youngest piped in cheerfully with the unexpectedly somber axiom
“Beavers never, ever get divorced!”