Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: April 28, 2011

Wild Heart Ranch -

Wild Heart Ranch is a labor of love in Oklahoma that works closely with our friend the Skunk Whisperer. They rehabilitate injured everythings and do their best to give them a second (or first) chance on life.  Cheryl pointed out to me that they recently acquired a baby beaver, who was joined last night by another baby beaver that had been trapped in fishing line for two days. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty certain that is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. Here’s what she wrote about the second kit last night

New beaver kit. Pretty bad shape. He’s been floating caught in fishing line. Stomach is a mess. Little guy was hypothermic and dehydrated. Going to be a long night.

And this morning…

We are watching little Buddy Beaver around the clock tonight. He has been through a lot, but when I scratched his back, he kicked his little leg. Thats a good sign. Reflexes are starting to work and his body temp… is FINALLY stable. It took HOURS to get his core temp up. I am hopeful, and little Justin is in there with him, snuggled up. Breaks my heart what this baby went through and survived. I want so badly to pull him through this. Brave little thing. It must have been an absolute horror to have been snagged in fishing line, his mother lost, at least 2 nights alone bobbing in the water, and the rescuers said their were copperheads everywhere. When he came in, his mouth was bloody from trying to chew himself free. He is younger and smaller than justin. Breaks my heart!


Wild Heart Ranch Good news! Little beaver kit not only pulled through, but is up and active and playing with Justin Beaver this morning! I want to have a T shirt made that says “I ♥ B-12 & Pancake syrup!!” Thats always seemed to be the ticket. Heat them back up SLOWLY, a little sugar, a little B-12 shot, VIOLA! If they havent been too cold for too long, we have a lot of luck with this method, and by golly prayers help too! 🙂

Well, I can think of one t-shirt you’ll be getting right away. Their website offers account of the compassionate origins of Wild Heart Ranch…

Annette King Tucker began this venture in 1996 after purchasing a small farm outside of Claremore Oklahoma to “get away” from it all. Assisting wayward animals having always been a passion, it was natural for Annette to begin populating her farm with various animals in need. It wasn’t long before a friend brought her a pair of orphaned raccoon kits, and the rest is history! She discovered her life’s purpose in the welfare of two little masked bandits having nowhere else to go, and Wild Heart Ranch was born!

Hmm. Labor of love indeed. Up in the Sierras where my parents live, there used to be a wildlife rehabber who attended their church. She’d sit through mass bottle feeding tiny foxes or raccoons because they couldn’t go without being fed for the time it would take her to get to town on her own. She worked 365 days a year, from dawn to dawn and lived on a shoestring of donations from kind-hearted folk who knew that this work was worth doing. She happened to be an ex-cop who said she had retired because ‘that work was too demanding’.

Well, good luck taking care of these little beavers, and let us know if you need anything. We are grateful everyday for the work of folks like you.



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