Happy Easter! Happy Earth Day! Happy Beavers! Mandy Hotchkiss of Vermont knew just how to celebrate. She grabbed some friends and went out to the low lying stretch of Lake Champlain to remind drivers that they weren’t the only thing on the road at that time of year. You have to watch the video. There’s a short and unavoidable ad, but trust me its WORTH it!
Mandy’s friend is right, Mascots get a lot of attention. This story got a two page spread in the Burlington Free Press and made the local evening news of at least two channels. Mind you, our good friend Skip Lisle who invented the beaver deceiver and installed our flow device at the primary dam lives in Vermont, so beavers should have a head start with support in the state.
So on Friday morning there was Hotchkiss, owner of the Blue Paddle Bistro in South Hero, holding a sign reading “Caution, Beavers Crossing” Her business partner, Phoebe Bright, was decked out in a beaver costume and waved with a sign that read “Honk 4 Beaver!” Many motorists obliged.
Chris Bernier, a specialist with the state Fish and Wildlife Department said the animals are particularly active this time of year. “There’s a lot of busy parents running around collecting food for their young in the springtime,” Bernier said.
Hmm. Not quite, Chris. The animals getting hit are nearly-two year adults heading off to seek their fortunes and find their own territories. Well Chris doesn’t seem to understand about dispersers, but his boss John Gobielle at Fish and Wildlife (in the video) definitely does. (Chris is listed as a “wildlife technician” and Gobielle as a “wildlife biologist”. Which is surprisingly reassuring.) Not sure why they used two spokes persons to give two different explanations to the media for why the beavers were crossing the street, or one didn’t listen to the other, but the technician is way off. Our beavers on the west coast don’t even have any young yet to feed, so I’m pretty sure Vermont won’t see kits until June or later.
Regardless, Mandy you did an excellent job raising awareness and catching the public attention. Come to think of it, what are you doing in August? If you ever plan a trip to California, Worth A Dam has a job for you! Thank you for the feel-good story for Earth day. I’m always happy to hear about acts of heroism that involve beavers!

A shout out also to our beaver friends in Tahoe who maintained the first ever beaver booth at the Earth Day celebration there. We brainstormed about adapting the tail idea for the event. Looks like they did outstandingly well!