Day: April 22, 2011
Arcadia National Park celebrated National Park week in the second best possible way imaginable: Teaching children about beavers! Click on the link for a short video from the local news. (Mind you this is Arcadia in Maine, not California, and they need some positive beaver education.)
Through the Schoodic Education and Research Center these kids can learn about how beavers adapt to their “The kids like to look at the parts and learn about how the beaver eats and swims and protects itself,” said Kate Petrie, Supervisory Park Ranger for Education. Beavers are creatures these kids may encounter on a daily basis so organizers believe they should know how to act around them.”We live near a big pond and we have across the pond there’s a big beaver house.”
Of course the FIRST best possible way to celebrate is to teach ADULTS about beavers and how to live with them. Maybe that will happen next week? Worth A Dam has three teaching events coming up, two at separate preschools and one at a kindergarten. We will show some video, talk about beavers, and have the children paint tails. Just in case you wondered, we will probably not be bringing beaver body parts for the children to pet. Go figure.