Ahhh, good beaver news in the Sonoma IT. Aside from one jarring typo and the what appears to be a photo of stuffed beavers on a pretend dam this is some good beaver reporting from Sonoma. It starts with a discussion by Caitlin Cornwall about the value of beavers to the watershed and the good they do to the ecosystem. Not sure why they deserve the label “seldom seen”, because they certainly aren’t wolverines! She ventures that the valley isn’t ideal habitat because of the ‘flash’ streams and urban density. (I would argue that since we killed all the beavers everywhere in California has ‘flash’ streams and urban density, and suggest that what we need are MORE beavers to mitigate the flow and more riparian border between homes and waterways – but that’s just me!)
Last night we met friends of friends from the beaver conference for dinner and showed them around our very trashed beaver habitat. Honestly the water level is so low everywhere I can’t imagine where the beavers could even swim to make repairs. We’ll see what happens – some folks said they saw them last night and cheryl and jean saw one or two kits early in the evening. Fingers crossed. At dinner we saw congressman Miller and our host ran after him to make sure he knew about the beavers! He assured her that he did and he had even seen them before.

.Alright, I have a radio interview this morning at 9:30 although my hopes of making myself understandable are fairly dim after being quoted as saying beavers aren’t active at night…sheesh….I only want to add…of course they only come out in the daytime so they can see all the FISH they eat!!! That is before they tunnel under entire cities, collapse buildings and fight to the death to mate with the herd…
Update: Radio interview went well. Lots of good news for beaver believers and some plugs for the city of Martinez. Hopefully will get more than a handful of attendees and change some hearts and minds!