The pipes bursting in air Gave proof thru the night That our dam was still there!
Okay, maybe this won’t be sung by 100,000 at a football stadium any time soon, but you get the general idea. Big rain. Lots of water with trash and stuff flowing over the dam, including what some have suggested might be a TV near the filter. Water level drops and you can see our dams are still looking pretty dam good, especially the second one, which is kind of amazing given the hit its taken. As I told Cheryl this morning, our beavers are no slackers. My favorite part of the dam survival is that it means, even if they aren’t regularly seen, that Dad and the two year old are in attendance and things are in good hands.

Regarding the above lyrics I can only ask how many rounds of ‘jingle bells batman smells’ you’ve heard this holiday season and remind you that reshaping lyrics is a fine American tradition. I myself was an odd child who used to sit in church and aimlessly memorize later verse lyrics of important songs during the sermon. You know how they sometimes have a TV program interviewing people on the street to see if they really know the words to the Star Spangled Banner? Well I’m probably the only registered voter east of the Mississippi who knows the entire second verse. Four verses of America the beautiful, but that hardly counts.