Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: August 2010

Event brochure Interior: Libby Corliss, Graphic Designer

A full house of friendly environmental faces awaits at this weekends festival.  The displays were arranged primarily to keep the wildlife folks under the shade and worth a dam in all four corners.  i think it’s come together fairly well, and have actually come to love how the little park suddenly becomes a crowded market place like something out of the 16th century or a Martinez Renaissance Faire. Music will be played in the center square, (where the notes are) and the procession will walk from east to west to hang the banner over the footbridge. Not sure where the Morris dancers will decide to perform but follow the sound of bells to keep track of them.

We had a great write-up from Bay City News yesterday, and NBC picked it up. A few people told me they heard us announced on KGO and KFOG and I’m very happy about that. In my whimsical moments I imagine that no one will bother coming and I’ll be left sitting alone for 5 hours staring at a pleistocene era beaver skull. But maybe Worth a dam members will occupy ourselves with a massive puppet show with all the donations from Folkmanis for the silent auction. I’m thinking an “Off Broadway production of the town that found a way” or maybe something with an evil lawyer tying beavers to the railroad tracks and a manly hero from Vermont saving them. Now that would be fun.

With five days left to go for our beaver festival, things are either falling into place or ducking for cover. Beaver-friend Susan Kirks wrote a nice article in Petaluma 360 this morning urging attendance, and Jon & I did an interview with a report for the times this weekend. There are tshirts and brochures to fold and final touches for the silent auction to throw together.

{column1}Two last minute additions will be the dynamic new account of America’s Fur Trade by author Eric Jay Dolin: (I suggested it was poetic justice to have his book be sold for the benefit of some famous beavers and he generously agreed!) The other new entry will be the never-before-offered 5 part DVD of Beaver Creek signed by one-day-inevitably-to-be-famous Ian Timothy especially for the Martinez Beavers.{/column1}



Our young genius (who will begin his sophmore year next month), released episode V yesterday. It’s possible the timing may not have been in honor of our festival, but lets celebrate it just in case.

Oh, and for the worried among us who haven’t seen GQ for a few days, he was seen swimming back from the secondary dam this morning by Jon and Moses. Whew!

This two-piece diptych mural of Alhambra Creek by Frogard Butler, based on the map design by Libby Corliss, will be the background for hundreds of children’s artwork. Can’t you just imagine it filled with beavers, birds and butterflies? I told Fro that its beauty needed only one more thing to start everything off: Mom beaver who was of course the beginning of everything. Paint, brushes, smocks and guidance provided. This will be a fantastic project that continues all day. Save a little energy for you and your child’s creation.

The counter on this blog post tells me that this is the 996th post written on this home page, meaning that this thursday will likely be the 1000th column written. That’s a lot of posts about beavers. The first 25 or so were written by Bruce the original designer of the sight. Another 25 were written by others. And the remaining 950 have been the work of yours truly, a fairly weird but still prodigious accomplishment. 1 a morning 365 days a year for three years. Its something to think about.

Has this been the most beaver articles ever written on the web? I think so! There certainly isn’t a facet of beavers or beaver lore that you can look up without finding on at least the third google page. Ditto for photos. It is strange how the numbers worked out so closely timed to the festival. Divine beaver providence I guess.



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

August 2010

Story By Year


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