Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: August 24, 2010

Some visitors to the park have been kind enough to send me a copy of their letter regarding park name. I thought you might enjoy a sampling…

We sent in a couple of suggestions
Beaver Preservation Park
Kit Park
Wildlife Preservation Park

This is a wonderful step. Personally, I think “park” is a harsh sounding word. How about:
Beaver Gardens
Beaver Terrace
Beaver Flat (in honor of their tails? nah)
Beaver Glen
Beaver Green
Beaver Grove

Beaver Coppice Park or Grove or…I like this one.

As a downtown merchant, this park has been referred to as Beaver Park for at least three years now.  There is, in my opinion, no need to confuse the community.  It should always be called Beaver Park.To me, this is a no-brainer.  Let’s not waste any more time on this and focus on issues that really need our time and attention.

I too think Beaver Park a good choice. How exciting to have John Muir Laws sketch our Beavers. He is quite a guy, did you get a chance to chat with him while he was sketching?

The North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) is the only species of beaver in the Americas. Beaver Park sounds o.k. to me although this could provide a good educational opportunity to get people think about science by using the name Castor Canadensis Park but it might be too esoteric for the layperson. (I think that Alhambra High School should change their mascot name and actual mascot to the Beavers).

How exciting!  Yes, Beaver Park!  How great!

You in the city council have done such a remarkable job in protecting a colony of beavers right within your community against a host of nay Sayers.  The effects of this effort go far beyond this single colony of beavers.  You have brought nature right into the center of Martinez where year after year of your young people have become acquainted with the ways of the main key species of North America.  It is virtually certain that many of these young people will grow up and work to save the ecology which is our life support system on spaceship earth.  I can’t think of a better way to commemorate your amazing work than to call the park by its unofficial name of Beaver Park.
William Hughes Games
New Zealand

For What its worth
I suggest Baby Beaver Park
It is Cute and helps get away from the snicker, snicker effect of mentioning beavers

Now it has become an everyday event to go to the creek and enjoy the Beaver Family. They can teach us humans so much about how to get along, take care of each other, build, feed each other, groom each other, and respect each other’s space. How blessed we are to be able to learn from God’s creatures great and small. Of course it has to be BEAVER PARK; it already is.
Frogard Butler
I think Beaver Park works well!
All the best,
Skip Lisle

I enjoyed the article about the effort to name for the park near Marina vista and Castro streets. A city park’s names should reflect the will and vision of the people who enjoy it, and I am heartened by the call for public nominations. Still, it is confusing to me why 2000 attendees at a Beaver Festival over the past three years and nightly visits from out of towners, doesn’t make this choice obvious.

I suppose the city is hesitant to name a park after an issue that generated so much controversy. That seems shortsighted and neglects the real truth that the beavers have become a hugely unifying symbol and natural rebranding effort that put Martinez on many maps.  More than this, they have turned a neglected urban creek into a habitat for otter, mink, heron and steelhead.

If the city refuses to call it “Beaver Park”, I have a few other suggestions that might reflect the values of the area. How about “Sheetpile Vista Plaza”? Or “Drinking-in-the-daytime Park”? It’s too bad the powers that be didn’t choose to name it in the 6 years it sat finished and unappreciated before the beavers moved in. I guess no one really noticed the park in those days. I wonder why?

Oh and don’t forget the reporter from the LA times who wrote that he liked my Sheetpile Vista Plaza best!



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