Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: August 2010

Out in Massachusetts the disgruntled folk from the Committee for Resposible Wildlife Management are headed to a lazy man’s victory. The bill making it easier to circumvent humane standards for killing beavers has been approved by the governor and is in its final stages before passage. Just remember, where beavers are concerned the problems rarely have anything to do with reason. (Martinez knows that fairly well through first hand experience.) The original law  requiring humane traps passed in the commonwealth back in 1996. It included a list of 9 lengthy exceptions to the rule under which traditional trapping could still be used.  At that time, Clinton was president, the economy was booming, and everybody knew somebody that was doing a start-up.

I guess times really do change.

So my brief obsession with superciliary vibrissae lead to Sherri Tippie sending me some early kit photos that showed they were present from a young age. Mystery solved, but ohhh looking at these photos has caused such a grand commotion of oooohing and awwwwwwing among Worth A Dam members that we are incapable of forming complete sentences. I thought I’d share the source of my affliction with you, but first, the answer to the mystery, so we can lay that to rest. Look at those wiry black hairs above the eye. Not as stiff as an older beaver and certainly the sense isn’t as developed, but those are vibrissae.

Okay now that we’re done with that mystery, check out the entire photo. Remember Sherri is the top beaver relocator in the country so she often ends up caring for or raising kits/orphans. In this picture her friend Chris is holding a week old kit. Look at that tail against her wrist! . I’m thinking a visit to Colorado next June is in order?

Sure grown-ups and skilled professionals can manage to hold a beaver. But how difficult is it? Wouldn’t those incisors take out a finger? We are constantly meeting people (usually trappers) who tell us how vicious beavers are. I guess she’s holding that kit a special way or something to make it harder to get a dental grip?

Meet Anna R. who is 8 in this picture. Sherri tells me that when she was 5 she became cheerfully obsessed with beavers. Her dad says she used to walk around the family home repeating “Sherri Tippie! Sherrie Tippie! Sherri Tippie!”. (I know the feeling.) Even though she was too young to help with relocation, she wanted to be involved. This is such an traffic-stopping photo the police should be called. Here’s another one in case you want to see Anna and the beaver smile.

Photos courtesy of Sherri Tippie

Gosh those are lovely, thank you so much for sharing! And just in case you think we are just bunny huggers around here, I’ll offer some intellectual stimulation as well. Sharon Brown of Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife lets us know that her letter to the Buffalo was printed in Thursdays issue. Remember the nice article about some researchers noticing that the beaver dam in Woodlawn Wetlands was actually helping water quality and restoring the stream? I wrote them that this wasn’t unique to Buffalo and that if New York could allow more beavers to improve the watershed we’d all be better off. Sharon thought so too

August 26, 2010, 6:54 AM

Thanks for Gerry Rising’s refreshing look at Woodlawn’s wetlands in the Aug. 15 News. Yet negative references to these oases of life still abound—i. e. recent comments about “draining the swamp” of D. C. government—even though wetlands are rated as the land’s best life-support system.

Luckily, we no longer need sacrifice wetlands benefits to prevent road flooding as the modern beaver flow devices are very efficient and cost-effective. Last summer our educational nonprofit sent a team (an engineer and me, a biologist, who were both born and raised in Buffalo suburbs) to Orchard Park to consult with the town engineer and highway superintendent about an installation in Birdsong Park. We can have win-win solutions.

Because beaver dams accentuate the normal filtering function of wetlands, often 90 percent less sediment is in the water downstream. This means less expensive treatment is needed at plants to produce drinking water. Plus, a series of dams keeps water on the land longer and slows the flow of streams, resulting in fewer droughts and less costly flood damage downstream. As such extreme weather events increase with climate change, the beaver can be our ally.

Marshy wetlands are, or will become, peatlands as dead vegetation accumulates underwater. Peatlands are the best ecosystem for carbon storage, but draining them allows the peat to oxidize and release carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas. It costs people from $10,000 to $100,000 to restore an acre of wetlands, but the average New York beaver family impounds 15 acres—and works for free.

Sharon T. Brown



As if that wasn’t exciting enough, Moses got footage of that big otter again this morning, going inside the old lodge to eat crawdads!Ohh and a green heron catching a fish on the primary dam. Nice!

Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions in Massachusetts points out this footage which was taken by a satisfied client at Farrar Pond on Friday. The first thing I noticed was the speakers reference to the round filter with a domed top that Mike installs to block entrance to the pipe — the narrator refers to it as a “Beaver Dome” which made me giggle and think,

Two Beavers enter
One beaver leaves.

Good thing Mike had his summer helper (his nephew, Devin) for this massive project which involves three pipes and requires underwater installation. The residents are only willing to have the flow device visible once every three years when they lower the pond level to control vegetation, so everything has to be installed underwater. Thankfully, its been a hot summer and Mike said the water was pleasantly cool, not cold.

Well that went smoothly, didn’t it? A well oiled beaver installation team. Managing the third pipe is a little more challenging and Devin unwillingly looses control of it. They eventually get the thing righted and finish it off. All in a days beaver work. I can’t help but wonder if the beavers were watching from the lodge and snickering amongst themselves.

Looking at that deep pool I remember our own dam and how high it used to be. Beaver friend Bill sends this photo of the old dam that gave me a pang of nostalgia. Ahh how lovely! Didn’t Mom and Dad do a great job?

Ohh and apparently a certain prominent property owner has cleverly suggested the area be named ‘Puddle park’. This amused me, as it is as near to a veiled admission of his own tempest-in-a-teapot fears as I believe we will ever see. Still, I wondered, given the use of the area under the bridge by the homeless, perhaps what he meant to say was ‘Piddle’ park?

Back when I was trying to prove the number 1 picture of a beaver on (the) google was actually a nutria (I’ll wait while you go check). I started noticing that beavers have unique whisker-like hairs above the eyes. If the lighting is right and you look close you’ll see them. Artists almost never include them but I made sure Libby added them to the beaver festival flyer. Apparently these are called “superciliary tufts” or “superciliary vibrissae”


Your cat has them and they tell him to blink and react to changes in the air flow to catch things. Whiskers in general are incredibly important as guides to tell an animal how close things are and whether they can squeeze in between them. Our wikipedia friend researched the issue and found a 2009 article saying that the neural information communicated by the vibrasse in aquatic mammals was so significant it deserved its own sensory name.: “The Vibrassal Sense.”

Behaviour and ecology of Riparian mammals

By Nigel Dunstone, Martyn L. Gorman

While beavers don’t have to worry so much about trees getting away from them, they do need to detect small changes in flow and water motion to know when and how to make repairs to their dam. Skip Lisle writes this about superciliary tufts in beavers:

Beavers have a phenomenal ability to find their way around a pond underwater in the pitch dark—-in deep water, under ice, at night. They know every square inch of the underwater world, all learned by touch. Various hairs must play an incredibly important role.

This makes total sense. When our very first kit got sick years ago and was found out to be blind we realized that his ability to navigate in water was never notably affected. Yesterday I realized I had never seen these ‘tufts’ on our kits, and lord knows I had been looking at them long enough to notice. Did that mean they get them when they got older? Could they be a mark of maturity? In scouring through photos it seemed like dad had more than mom. Maybe they get more as they aged? Could they be used to tell the maturity of a beaver? Who knew more about this mystery and who could help? I wrote every beaver expert I know to ask their thoughts and I’ll let you know what I learn.

Then I got out our heavy duty binoculars and went down to the dam for some tuft-hunting. Guess what I found our kits have?

Click on the picture to enlarge it. They’re there. While I was down there solving my own mystery, I heard some activity behind me downstream and saw some big wave action. As I was trying to find out who was below the dam, I saw a hulking furry figure scurry over it, dunk immediately underwater and run a steady line of bubbles all the way up to the lodge.


It has been almost two months since we saw him, but I kept telling myself he was most likely still here. Where would he go? I was by myself at the dam last night for most of the evening and maybe that’s why I saw him. He’s a wary beaver who stays away from commotion. I was sooo happy to see him, and know that our three lovely kits have at least two defenders to look after them.



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

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Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

August 2010

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