Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: January 14, 2010

Our Estuary friend sent us a chapter she copied from the 1940 Audubon publication called “Bird Lore”. The title was “Beaver and Birds” by William H. Carr. From the opening sentence I was completely hooked.

No one could observe beaver and beaver ways for long without realizing that a unique bond exists between the pond builder and its bird and animal neighbors. We do not know whether birds and animals have the sightest ‘ interest’ in their flat-tailed benefactors, nor are we particularly concerned with this speculation herein: The fact is that whenever beaver are introduced and thrive in state or national parks, under complete protection from hunter and trapper, a highly important series of events is gruadually set in motion. Before many years have passed, innumerable wildlife developments have taken place, developments of increasing consequence to the welfare of local animal life in general, and to birds in particular.

How is it that this recognition was  printed 70 years ago, and fish and game were still able to argue that beavers threatened vireo in Lake Skinner Reservoir in the Riverside County Case?

The resolution described that in two creeks on the Reserve, Tucalota and Middle, beavers had cut down mature cottonwoods (Populus sp.) and willows (Salix sp.), including trees up to two feet in diameter. In some locations,tamarisk had replaced those trees cut down. The riparian zone of Middle and Tucalota creeks also supported nesting pairs of least Bell’s vireo, a federally listed endangered species, along with other sensitive riparian bird species.

Management by Assertion: Beavers and Songbirds at Lake Skinner (Riverside County, California)
Travis Longcore Æ Catherine Rich Æ Dietland Muller-Schwarze, 2007 Journal of Environmental Management

You will remember the “friends of lake skinner case” where beavers were removed because they were supposedly threatening habitat for endangered birds? A group of citizens successfully sued in appellate court that removal of the beavers without an environmental impact report was a violation of the California Environmental Qualities Act. How is it possible to continue to lie about beavers harming birds, when there is at least 70 years of data saying they significantly help birds?

Stephen Colbert might say this was an example of “Truthiness”, something that “feels true” and is therefore valued whether or not it has any factual basis at all. Beavers cut down trees > Birds need trees = Beavers harm birds. Seems true, right? We invaded Iraq after 9/11, so they must have been responsible for the world trade center bombing, right?   The city council says that the propsed Pacheco annexation is the “Gateway to Martinez”, so it must be true, right?

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word – Truthiness



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