Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: December 2009

There are toothy mourners all along the oregon coast tonight.

Civil War tonight. Beavers Vs. Ducks.Winner goes to the Rosebowl. Even a pleb like me can tell that’s a big deal. This is one day out of 365 that you will be surrounded by cheerful beaver-believers. Enjoy! Don’t forget to wear orange!

The California Quail is one of my favorite birds. One was spotted on the otherwise charmless sheetpile wall of the beaver dam this summer but unfortunately didn’t stick around. Their dingle-ball headpiece makes them easy to recognize, and I’m never happier than when I see a cluster of baby quail string along behind their parents in a line as if on wheels. It is discouraging how few we see now, I have certainly seen more turkeys this year than quail, and I bet you have too. Part of this has to do with loss of habitat and the ever encroaching human-footprint.

Brush piles provide  important refuge for quail and other wildlife. Eco-friendly souls create these wildlife Oasis in gardens and around open space to encourage protected use. On Saturday beaver friend Brian Murphy from Walnut Creek Open Space, and Elaine Jackson from the Native Plant Society will be teaming up with volunteers to build brush piles at Strenzel Meadow, the restored habitat near the gravesite of John Muir. Members of Worth A Dam will be there and would love your help.The work party starts at 9 am at strenzel meadows and if you’re interested you should contact Elaine and let her know. Bring gloves, water, and good cheer.

Added bonus? After a morning of building brushpiles, I’ll bet you will have new insight into what it takes to build a lodge!

Yesterday I was on my way to work when I got an email from Gail in New Jersey saying that the city was concerned by flooding problems caused by beavers in 150 acre Franklin swamp and had called in the state which were going to recommend killing them. Would I please write the mayor and council that there were other options for regulating beaver behavior?

Franklin Swamp: Motorfox

Beavers in Jersey? Well looking at this photo you can certainly see why. I looked up the addresses for the mayor and council and wrote them out Martinez’ own difficulties and the way that Skip’s installation of a flow device had solved them. Then I pointed out that, with Mike Callahan a 2 hour drive north, they weren’t nearly as far away from solutions of their own. I tracked down New Jersey Audubon and wrote them as well about the links between beavers and birds and asked them for help. I later heard from Laura Simon that HSUS had already been tipped off about it, and would be involved. I suggested to Gail that she try to involve the media or some children’s groups and she wrote back that her good friend was a girl scout leader and they would schedule a fieldtrip and art project right away.

I can’t really imagine beavers (or swamps) in New Jersey, but I’m happy they’re there.I’ve included a links to the addresses if you have time to drop a line yourself. In the mean time, we had good news yesterday that Laura Simon and Guy Peterson connected  and she is coming out next week to do a site inspection. Fingers Crossed.




Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

December 2009

Story By Year


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