Last night the John Muir Board was treated to a sneak preview of a single hour of Ken Burns upcoming documentary on the radical and quintessentially American concept of the National Parks. Awesome yet accessible, it tells individual stories of heroes, millionaires, presidents and visionaries that realized this great work was worth doing. I arrived late because of the day job and snuck in just at the moment that Roosevelt and Muir were camping out together under the giant sequoias. For my money, that was the one conversation in our nation’s history I would most like to have overheard.
You can enjoy a preview of your very own for free, September 19th when the NPS and JMA team up to offer an hour long preview at the High School Performing Arts Center. The event will include a reception and presentation with 299 of your closest most environmentally thoughtful neighbors. Mark your calendar’s now. Not sure you’re interested yet? Here’s a clip to whet your whistle:
Anticipation is a glorious thing, a fact of which I keep reminding myself as I try to prepare for tomorrow’s interview on Dave Egbert’s living green radio show. I think they take listener questions so if you want to call in and ask me something really easy or mention that you agree with everything I’ve anxiously said, that would be nice. It airs at 7:05 tomorrow morning.
(Have to make sure the beavers are back by then so they don’t miss it!)