Beaver friend Jon Ridler did a Mother’s Day trash sweep so if you spied a kayak creeping along the banks this afternoon, that was him. He said he took out so many bottles, bags and milk crates he filled every single trash can downtown. He used the new scrape to get as far as the third dam, and was able to see that one of the spillways between the dredge and the creek has been nicely dammed. He disturbed a sleeping pond turtle and nothing else. Do yourselves and the beavers a favor and keep an eye on the creek until next time.
Day: May 10, 2009
Mother beaver seemed to be celebrating in private this morning, maybe getting willow delivered in the lodge for breakfast in bed? We had a nice event at Wild Birds Unlimited yesterday, made some new friends and reconnected with old ones. The baby pool generated some interest and our tally currently stands at
# Kits |
Votes |
6 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
9 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
As you can see, four is the biggest entry, and I’m hoping we can verify within the month. If you need a little beaver “mothering” on this mother’s day, check out this footage from the Philadelphia zoo. Mom has six kits, and is trying to keep an adventurous one out of the water. Of course as soon as she does the other five come to explore and she pretty much abandons the idea.
(Nice footage, but I hate seeing all that concrete.)
If you’re celebrating with your own non-castor mother today, you might thank her for that similar lovely moment in your own growing up, when mom had been trying and trying to stop you from doing that risky thing you loved, and finally used an “aha moment” to realize you were probably going to do it anyway, and it was better that you start practicing now while she could still help. Thanks Mom!
photo: Cheryl Reynolds