This is what you missed wednesday morning.
This is what you missed wednesday morning.
This morning Linda and I caught a grand display of beaver prowess when two kits took on a massive wrestling match in the water by the dam. Mom was on the other side making sure there was plenty of mud on the downstream, and for a while juniors 1 & 2 were hard at work laying mud upstream.
After some fairly adept poking of sticks through the dam, the children decided life was too short not to fool around a bit. They embarked on some fairly epic struggles trying to dunk each other or just make the other one give up. This produced a water tango worthy of the Spanish channel, and was lovely to see.
Mom was in full display, and I wanted an inspiring picture of her being very pregnant. I was only able to achieve one of her being very blurry. Here’s Cheryl Reynolds picture from last year to remind you what a pregnant beaver looks like and if that isn’t clear enough, come down some morning and see for yourself.