Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: March 20, 2009

Not sure what to do after that last cup of coffee? You might want to join your fellow Martinez-ites for a town hall meeting with Congressman Miller. He’ll be at city hall from 9:30 to 10:30. He’s coming to talk about the economy and stabilization measures. I have said before that his last town hall meeting was the most uplifting political event I ever attended until November 7, 2007, so its probably worth the trek.

I posted this back in May of last year when I met an aide of his at the farmer’s market.

Now for my day’s best news. In the midst of talking and explaining about the beavers we met a nice mom with a magical little daughter who explained that she was an aide for Congressman Miller. Not only was she a huge beaver fan, so were her co-workers, and they had watched the videos in the office. I can’t tell you how delighted that makes this particular beaver advocate. I respect the congressman enormously, am consistently impressed with his position on the issues, and up until November 7, 2007 his town hall meeting at Martinez City Hall was the most uplifting political event I’d ever attended. Now he’s got stiff competition. Always in the back of my mind, I wondered whether he might be interested in the beavers who’d settled into the creek in his home town.

It turns out our beavers have friends in some very high places.

9:30 is not so very much later than the beavers go to bed, and I thought maybe the congressman might enjoy seeing something up a creek that wasn’t the economy, so I dropped his aide a note and suggested a guided tour. She actually thought he might be interested and asked him!  Breath was held, would the entire economy benefit from the “beaver bump?  Sadly it turns out government work is fairly taxing right now and his schedule couldn’t accommodate a beaver visit. Next time, congressman!

(I told her the beavers were big fans and would miss him.)

Anyway, there will be a hot bed of activity tomorrow. First Miller to talk about our economic woes, and at the same time a city council “retreat” where they will make plans for the next two years and say admiring things to each other. Rumor is a redevelopment agency will be top on their list. Apparently the mayor wants the concept to be “shovel ready” for whenever the economy improves.

If the council is “shovel-ready” with an RDA, I dare say there’s a host of Martinez residents who are “Pitchfork-ready” in response. A no-retreat, retreat I guess.



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