Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: November 17, 2008

“A photograph was taken during the original construction of the Channel Improvements in the late 1990’s and has been publicized recently in a Gazette news paper article and on various websites. It appears some residents in the community questioned whether the buttressing sheetpile project was necessary”

Just in case you are worried that the historic photo reported in the LA Times caused a crisis of confidence for our intrepid city entourage, be comforted that there is another resolution on the calendar for Wednesday’s meeting. This is the “Willing All Suspicions Silenced Order” otherwise known as the “WAS SO!” amendment. The city will vote to say that despite the chilling effect of evidence to the contrary, residents should continue to believe that they made the right decision.

This follows the “This is an emergency resolution on October 1st, and the “It’s still an emergency resolution on October 15.” It goes on to say

“Staff believes the photo show an un-engineered sheet pile wall along a short section of the Bertola wall. This work was apparently done by City maintenance staff during the original channel construction. No records of the design of this section of the wall or supporting structural calculations have been found.”

Yes we know about the four pieces of sheetpile. Staff had access to a pile driver? And can someone explain “un-engineered” to me? Do you mean the city engineer was never even consulted? It gets better:

“During our recent construction the City Inspector and the City consulting biologist observed and photographed sections of the Bertola wall showing no foundations. in addition the property owner has reaffirmed that he believes the Bertola wall was built without a foundation.”

Based on the photo in question it would be difficult to “observe and photograph” the foundation since it would be underneath the collapsing bank. As for the beliefs of the property owner, let me not question anyone’s faith. Just tell me one thing, does this mean you can’t see the footing in the picture? What do you think that square ledge is at the bottom?

“The recommendation to construct the project was based on evidence of significant recent erosion along the east bank of Alhambra Creek between Escobar Street and Marina Vista and the observation of recent cracks in the Bertola Restaurant retaining wall. A geotechical engineer hired by the property owner and one hired by the City drew the same conclusions that building. retaining wall and property along this section of the creek were in immanent [sic] risk of damage or failure this winter.”

Perhaps this isn’t a typo at all. Immanent is defined by websters as “in-dwelling” from the latin “en manare” meaning to remain within. adds the enviable philosphical definition “Taking place within the mind of the subject and having no effect outside it.” (or relevance to?) To translate: don’t be confused by the notion that erosion on the east bank is irrelevant if the 1999 photo shows there was no bank there to begin with. Pay no attention to the crack in the wall, which is visible, and never mind about that large tree there in the photo right at the crack which is no longer standing. It would be foolish to imply that roots had anything to do with this.

While an emergency may not have been imminent, this decision was Immanent. It will remain despite all evidence questioning its wisdom.

WHEREAS: the city of Martinez has heretofore entered into a contract with Hess Concrete Construction Co. Inc, for certain work on the Emergency Creek Bank Stabilization, Alhambra Creek Escobar Street to Marina Vista an the Public Works Director has recommended acceptance of said work of improvement as completed in accordance with plans, specifications and approved change orders and correction lists, and in accordance with the final inspection of the Deputy Director of Public Works.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Martinez that said work is hereby accepted as completed on this 19th day of November.

Okay. I agree. It’s completed. Explain to me why you even had to talk about the photograph to establish its doneness? The report is authored by Don Salts and Tim Tucker. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Mr. Salts authored this resolution to defend the good name of his immediate boss whose shoes he plans to fill one day soon. This is a CYA resolution, because regardless of the grainy photograph, everyone who was on staff 9 years ago should remember that this bank had no soil and just an exposed wall. The truth is that I wasn’t even going to bother with the second photograph because this was such a DONE, COMPLETED, OVER deal. Now the city has prompted me to march down and get the one taken directly opposite the crack, so I have something exciting for Share-and-Tell Wednesday evening.



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