Fro Butler sent the May newsletter for the East Bay Artist Guild. She is the DVC instructor and animal portraitist who painted one of our Martinez Beavers. Her demonstration at John Muir’s Birthday/Earthday celebration was an inspiration to many young artists. Not content with her own efforts, it appears she wants her artistic interest in beavers to be contagious.
FRO Butler participated in the Earth Day/John Muir Birthday Celebration on April 19th, where she painted a picture of a famous Martinez Beaver. She’d like to organize an EBAG group field trip/plein air painting session down at the creek to support the Save the Beavers campaign and create a little PR for EBAG as well. FRO says, “Anyone up for a plein air field trip – please contact me and I will organize it and get the press involved to give us and the beavers some good news coverage. The event would occur sometime after June 5th. Contact me at my studio (925 934-5957) or email frogard2000@yahoo.com. We need some Beaver paintings hanging in our storefront gallery windows. This is perfect for Walter Crew!”
Thanks for the tip, Fro. We will watch for beret-wearing-easel-types and encourage the beavers to be good models. By the way, our beavers are also featured in this month’s issue of the Sierra Club Yodeler; we’ll post the link as soon as its out there.