Well, actually just the one. And a team of men and forklifts to set it up. It is now housed on the block of Castro street between Marina Vista and Escobar, to the displeasure of many a county worker. Skip Lisle arrived today and was shown the space where our yearlings (?) are likely sleeping in the old lodge. There was much excitement when staff thought they found the 11 foot tunnel alleged by the city. Skip’s eyebrows knit in confusion as he considered the likelihood of beavers digging straight up. He also had a forthright conversation with the (female) project manager, who reportedly told him, “I can’t see any way that these beavers are going to stay through this work.”
Cheryl and I took Skip down to tunnel at the second lodge, to see if it could be expanded into shelter. Then Cheryl walked him down to the fourth dam. He felt strongly that the habitat offered many hiding places for the beavers that would be more attractive than any manmade shelter. The initial work, from the lodge to the bridge, begins tomorrow. Be there if you can.