Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!
Category: Beaver-themed merchandise
These are unusual beaver-themed designed merchandise we like. Some of the items have been donated to Worth A Dam, and some we just hope they will be soon.
The Salmonid Restoration Federation, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the City of Santa Barbara will host the 32nd Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference in Santa Barbara, CA on March 19-22. The theme of this year’s conference is “Recovery Strategies for Coastal Salmonids” and the conference agenda highlights innovative strategies and implementation techniques to restore and recover salmonids. This conference agenda also explores large-scale issues affecting fisheries recovery including climate change and drought as well as the social aspects of how we steward water, plan for resiliency, and leverage limited resources.
Workshops will examine innovative and successful restoration practices including reopening blocked fish passage, innovative stormwater and water conservation programs, steelhead and beaver interactions, and new resources for coastal monitoring.
We leave Tuesday and if you wonder if I’m nervous the answer is YES. I’m nervous about the drive, nervous about my talks, nervous about my computer, and nervous about my constitution because my health ain’t what it was before I went into the hospital. I’ve practiced with a stopwatch and looked over the maps and rehearsed everything I can think of while making lists of what we need to bring. God willing it will all work out okay.
I work Monday and we drive down Tuesday. The steelhead-beaver panel is wednesday morning, and Michael Pollock, Mike Callahan, Mary Obrien & Sherry and Ted Guzzi are coming for dinner that night. Then we have Thursday to relax but on Friday Duane Nash and Rick Lanman are coming for lunch with some folks from DFW who want to talk beavers and reintroduction! That night is our poster session and the following morning is my talk on using beavers to restore urban streams with Ann Riley’s group.
Then we drive home. Is that a beaver whirlwind? I ‘m planning on stopping at Castoro cellars on the way down and Cambria on the way back to add a little wine-tasting excitement to the trip. But I’m terrified we’ll break down on 101 and sit in traffic with an upset stomach for hours before being rescued. Wish me luck!
A lovely bit of good cheer came this morning from illustrator Patrizia Donaera, who said she’s “charmed by our story” because “beaver are her muse”. I think that’s an excellent muse to have, and I love her “Mouse and Beaver” which she did for a story book illustration a while back. Thanks Patrizia!
Sadly this is not the work of a beaver chew, but a redwood poacher at Redwood National State Park. Folks have apparently been sneaking into the park at night and cutting out burls to sell or carve. The problem has gotten so common that they are closing the state and National park at night.
I hate the idea of these big trees being hunted like rhinos for their horn. I hope closing the park does the trick, but it may come down to some hidden security cameras on trees to find the bastards. My favorite trees in all the world are the Giant Sequoias they have at Calaveras, where I visited every summer as a kid. They are shorter and more massive than coastal redwoods, gnarled old giants that look like something from animation. Just standing under them makes you feel older and wiser. I think of Legolas visiting the ent forests in Tolkein:
“It [the forest] is old, very old,” said the Elf. “So old that almost I feel young again, as I have not felt since I journeyed with you children. It is old and full of memory. I could have been happy here, if I had come in days of peace.”
― The Two Towers, “The White Rider”
“The Bachelor” @ Calaveras Big Trees North Grove – Heidi
This is as good a time as any to tell you beaver-trackers that Bruce Thompson of Wyoming is printing us a set of track and scat scarves that will look like this. They should be ready for you to snap up in 6 color choices by Earth Day. Bring your checkbook! Looks like we will be working together to design just a wetlands track scarf soon.
With predators’ numbers falling in the wild, the rest of the food chain is being forced to adapt.
Do you think lions and tigers and bears are scary? As it turns out, their absence is even scarier. Predator ecology is gaining in popularity, as scientists discover just how crucial top predators — such as lions, tigers and, well, you know the rest — are to the success of an ecosystem.
A prime example of an essential predator is the gray wolf, Canis Lupus. Once a thriving and abundant species, gray wolf populations have been nearly eliminated from 48 U.S. states. The absence of this apex predator has a dramatic top-down effect on the entire ecosystem. With their natural predators removed from the picture, elk populations flourish.
Do you give the pastor credit when the choir sings a truly ‘Amazing Grace’? Sure he plays a role, but he wasn’t singing those notes or practicing in the loft, was he? Now don’t get me wrong. I am a big fan of wolves. I love their song and their fur and their social interaction. I loved ‘never cry wolf’ more than any movie I saw in college, and to this day I remember scenes and vivid images from it. But wolves shouldn’t get all the credit for restoring creeks. Wolves don’t build dams or raise the water table or augment the invertebrate community so that we get more fish and more mammals and more birds that eat fish. Beavers do that, and it drives me crazy when they get only an ‘incidental mention’.
In turn, cottonwoods and other trees become elk chow. Fewer trees result in fewer songbirds and fewer resources available for beavers to build dams with. Remove beaver dams from an ecosystem and small ponds also disappear. Eliminating ponds reduces habitats for succulent plants, a critical food source for grizzly bears.
Someday Earth Guardians or Wildlife watch will make a film about how good beavers actually are for the creek and wildlife and it will blow the mind of every single well-meaning person who has sent me the wolf-glorifying film. Wolves make it possible for beavers to weave their magic, and that’s very important. But beavers are the one who do all the work and make the difference. Beavers are the ones who deserve the credit!
Wolf and Beaver – you can see the beaver’s tail slapping the surface (click to enlarge) Roads End Naturalist
Today’s donation is a whimsical painting by Suzanne Hunter of Phoenix Arizona called ‘Party in the Den’. Her Etsy shop ‘Red Raven Design‘ features “art with a sense of fun!” She painted the donation specifically for our festival, and her website says, “Yes, these hip beavers are having a cocktail party in the den! You never know what kind of crazy antics these revelers will get into. I did this painting specifically to benefit the beaver restoration project in Martinez, California. I’m all for animal and nature conservation and who doesn’t love the beautiful beavers!”
I love to imagine the beavers in their lodge toasting our success! The painting is colorful fun but honestly my favorite part is what looks like Martini glasses the beavers are holding. How appropriate is that considering our beavers hail from the home town of the Martini? Thank you Suzanne for your wonderful support! How did you know?
Um four. Because looking at this I see and hear two youngsters and a parent. Which means there are two parents somewhere. How cool is THAT! Click on the image to go to the BBC report and watch for yourself.Everything looks rather familiar.
Three beavers have been filmed together on the River Otter in Devon. Landowner David Lawrence is mystified about where the animals have come from.
A spokesman for the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs said it was unlawful to release beavers in England and they were looking into what action to take.
Mr Lawrence thinks the beavers could help reduce flooding on his land and improve water quality. “We are quite happy for them to be here,” he said.
“At some point we might have to go in and clear up some of the wood because it could wash on down to Tipton and cause a flooding problem down there.”
Beavers were hunted to extinction in England and Wales during the 12th Century and disappeared from the rest of the UK 400 years later.
10 month old Kit push-match – Photo Cheryl Reynolds
Do you love Mr. Lawrence as much as I do? Maybe we should start a fan club. I pleased to hear whining in that footage and realize we’re talking GENERATIONS of beaver! Looks like youngsters and a parent. How perfect to have wild beavers s0 near where Heidi and Jon’s ancestors once walked!
Less love this morning for Ontario that has decided that the word “management” is a synonym for the word “kill”.
Beavers are a problem in Enniskillen Township and will be managed so they don’t spread to other areas of Lambton County.
According to township administrator-clerk Duncan McTavish, beavers are currently active in the watersheds of Bear Creek, Durham Creek, Black Creek and Fox Creek. These are the primary municipal drains and natural watercourses that drain the township.
“This is a management issue. Like other wildlife, the numbers of beavers have to be controlled,” said McTavish in a Feb. 27 e-mail. “Unlike skunks and squirrels that are trapped and relocated, beavers cause damage to trees and obstruct the flow of waterways.
Managed sounds SO much nicer than crushed to death, doesn’t it? Thank goodness Ontario is going to take care of these beavers before they ‘spread’ their water-saving creek-enhancing ways to other areas!
I’m beginning to think it is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than to get Ontario to understand beaver benefits.
Today’s donation comes from Paper Particles in Toronto, Canada. Laurel generously donated a beaver stamp set from her delightful collection. “These Rubber Stamp Sets Feature Iconic and Sometimes Corny Slogans and Motifs, that Every Canadian will Recognize!” Thanks Laurel!
I thought today we’d talk about the very most important thing beavers do in creeks. Sure they raise the water table and filter toxins and increase fish and mammals and birds. But THIS is how it all starts and is an essential action by beavers that makes the quintessential difference.
Mom beaver with a mouthful of mud – Cheryl ReynoldsBeavers don’t have access to mortar so they constantly use what’s on hand to do the job of holding their dams and lodges together. They do this by scraping mud from the pond floor and plopping it where ever its needed. And they do this all the time. We’ve seen very young beavers learning how to do this – starting with a big ball of mud from so far away that by the time they reach their destination it’s a watery teaspoon.
How beavers plug pipes – Cheryl Reynolds
In addition to needing mortar to hold everything together, they also lack bulldozers to dig trenches and canals. So often times beavers will do that work by hand – joining two bodies of water, making a canal to drag trees or even digging a passage to their food cache in freezing climes. Beavers are always moving and removing mud from the bottom of the pond.
Beaver carrying mud – Cheryl Reynolds
The result of all this earthwork is that the floor of beaver ponds tend to look like the surface of the moon (or an english muffin). Nooks and crannies and different elevations everywhere. In fact Dr. Glynnis Hood did some research on this fact and measured pond height with a GPS unit across the water. She found very different elevations across the entire pond. And she found something even more interesting.
Beaver Mudding: Cheryl Reynolds
It turned out that the differing depths had differing occupants, meaning the biodiversity of the invertebrates changed depending on floor elevation. Some bugs lived in deeper parts of the pond and some in shallow parts, and some in newly dug and some in old channels.
beaver moving mud- Cheryl Reynolds
Why does this matter? Because the diversity of bugs sets the table for the diversity of things that eat bugs. (Fish, amphibians, turtles, birds). And the as the population of things that eat bugs grows, it sets the table for the things that in turn, eat them! So more fish and more kinds of fish mean more fish eaters. Which means more otters, mink and heron at the beaver pond. See how important those bugs are?
Dr. Hood recorded and cataloged these differences and presented her findings at the 2011 beaver conference. She and a colleague published this initial paper on the issue. (Another one is in review).
This is the kind of paper that should get way more attention than it will, because it outlines the secret alchemy by which beavers change dirt into gold. I wanted to make sure you knew how it all happened from the ground up. Here’s the abstract and you can read the entire paper here:
Over a 3-year period, including a year of drought, we demonstrate how beavers physically altered isolated shallow-water wetlands in Miquelon Lake Provincial Park, Canada, which then influenced aquatic invertebrates diversity and abundance of functional feeding groups and taxa. Digging channels by beavers extended aquatic habitats over 200 m into the upland zone and created unique aquatic habitats, which became hot-spots for predaceous aquatic invertebrates. Some taxa (e.g., Gerridae and Gyrinidae) were found exclusively in beaver ponds, while Culicidae were primarily in wetlands without beavers. Amphipoda were strongly associated with beaver ponds in drought and postdrought years. During extreme drought in 2009, species richness, diversity and abundance declined dramatically, but recovered quickly in 2010. Although species richness was associated with wetland area, increased niche availability through active maintenance of wetlands by beavers played an important role in aquatic invertebrate diversity and distribution. Understanding the role of common, but seldom surveyed within-wetland habitats in boreal wetlands expands our ability to understand aquatic biodiversity, the importance of habitat heterogeneity and the role of other taxa in species assemblages.
So the next time you see beavers playing in the mud remember that there is no single thing they do that’s more important and you’re lucky to see it with their own eyes!
However, it appears the excavation of beaver channels and their regular use could provide important within-wetland habitats for some aquatic invertebrates.Beaver channels in particular were an important influence in the assemblage of functional feeding groups and served as potential “hunting hot-spots” for various predators. As such,actively intained beaver channels contribute a unique niche that is not found in wetlands lacking beavers. Dominance of predators in activelymaintained beaver channels also suggests that regular activity of beavers in these channels increases the importance of this habitat, not just the existence of the channel itself.
Today’s lovely donation hasn’t actually arrived yet but I’ve been assured it will and I can’t wait. It’s a print of a pen and ink drawing called ‘beaver town’ by Cynthia Robbins Safarik. You have to see it for yourself to grasp the whimsical detail in its entirety. I can’t wait to add this to our silent auction! Don’t you think it would look great as a huge billboard at the entrance to Martinez? Thanks Cynthia!